Tuesday, July 19, 2005

at the car wash..lalala

I think the most productive thing I did today was washing my car. Probably because I hadn't planned to. I was just making my packed lunch, it was 9pm, kinda getting darker outside, and time for bed for boring, no social life on a weekday me, and then it just happened. In about 15 mins. And the fact that I did it before my brain got in gear and realised I had done it was a bonus.
So shiny car for moi tomorrow. Woohoo.

Also, as a reward for saying nice things in a survey about working environemnts recently, on Friday work is paying for an icecream van to come round and give us free icecreams. Which is pretty cool. Cos we all know I can be bought with free icecream. or cookies. or alcohol, lets fact it the list is endless....i'm just cheap.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter!! Woo woo!!

This weekend has been perfect. Just perfect. I went out Friday night. Had a great time. Got wasted. Saturday morning I woke up early with no side affects from the night before, and the postman delivered the book I have spent the last two years waiting for. I then spent the entire afternoon in the garden, sitting in my fantastically comfy deck chair, and dangling my feet in the cool refreshing water of the paddling pool, reading the amazing book. By midnight last night I had finished it.
I won't ruin it for those who haven't read it yet, but I do feel traumatised by the ending. It's fantastic, but the storyline just gets darker with each book. And I admit I got a little scared at parts. And I really feel like I have lost a friend, when a certain somebody dies. Well maybe not a friend, but I do feel sad, and a little dead inside. I'm one of those people who likes the happy endings, being the reason why I never watched the ending to Titanic. As far as I am concerned, they got together, hooked up in a car, and that was the end. That's when I pressed stop on the VCR anyway. Because I knew if I carried on watching people would die, so if I didn't watch any further, nothing bad would happen to them. This is how my mind works.

So now I am mourning the loss of such a great character in Harry Potter, but also celebrating such a fantastic book. And I'm sure people will start talking to me again now that I don't remind them in every conversation just how many days/hours/minutes until the book was released.

I never really realised I was this much of a nerd, but apparently I am. Nerd Power.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I just realised that you haven't had the pictures of the carnival that I promised. Well, I had all intention but my camera is being a dick right now, so you will have to wait. But they are coming soon. BTW I made the local paper, dressed as an elephant. Woohoo. Thats a pic you won't want to miss.

Spawn of the devil..

Why are so many people having babies right now. I've been trying to work out what was going on 8-9 months ago that causing it. Maybe nothing, and they were bored. Or maybe some huge big deal that just makes people want to have sex and spawn kids. From my exhaustive research (BBC website) I found out that not much was going on. I think Cambodia got a new King, and there was a big uprise in mental health problems in China, but thats about it.
Anyway, for some reason all these people are having kids, which in my mind is pretty inconsiderate. I think it could have been planned better, you know, spread out a bit, so my wallet has time to recover from the obligatory present buying before the next batch.
And I've also noticed that babies have been getting uglier. I'm finding it increasingly hard to tell these brand new, immensly proud parents that their kid is lovely and pretty, when in all honesty you feel like shielding your eyes from the horror that is their face.

So, basically think twice before spawning any more of these kids PLEASE.

That is all

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Lil Bro

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to invent little brothers. Why oh why? Why couldn't my parents abstain after having me? Lets face it I'm perfection, why try for more, you're thinking.. Yes and I agree.
I think my problem lies with the fact that I am anally obsessive about my property. Note: CHARLOTTE DOES NOT SHARE. Which would be fine if I was an only child, but causes a few problems with two younger brothers who like to break everything. Boys are careless and mean.
Not only that, when I yell I have to look up to them, as they're both taller than short arse me. Which kind of means they don't take me seriously. I'm older and they should respect that, not gang up on me, damn it.
My younger younger brother, who we affectionally term 'the mistake' has taken to stealing my DVDs when I'm at work, then not returning them and leaving them lying all over his floor getting scratched. This may seem like a petty, little, non mentionable thing to do, but it is driving me CRAZY! I can't even keep my stuff protected in my bedroom! Oh the joys of living at home!

Anyway, a matter of weeks left. House is going through quickly now and that means I will soon have a HUGE mortgage which is scary, but at least my DVDs will be safe...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy Days

Today I found out I passed my exam! So now I am a fully qualified investment professional. Which sounds really cool. Anyway, that's made me happy, and kind of taken the edge off the hangover. Although having just ate a huge cheese burger I think I need to sleep for a while.

Tomorrow is Carnival Day in Hunstanton. I will be dressed as an elephant and yes I promise you pics on Monday. So be there or be a non circle, oblongy shape.