Today I had a pretty good day, which in general brightened up what has been a pretty terrible week. Which is kind of good. Because its only Wednesday, which means that although the week began badly there is a chance that the overall goodness of the week can improve.
Good things that happened today:
1. The man who waves at me in the mornings on the way to work is back! After two months of disapearance he has returned, and greeted me this morning with a grin and wave. Which pretty much put me in a good mood for the whole day, which is no mean feat at 7am in the morning.
2. My mortgage came through finally which means in a few weeks I will be moving! Yes, I will be a home owner. Scary stuff, because deep down I know I still have the mentality of a five year old.
3. I stuffed myself to the point of being sick with Chinese food to celebrate the aforementioned mortgage.
And there are things to look forward to for the other two days before the weekend. Friday is not only Cookie Day at work, but also a dress down day. Which is good news. But generally I am more happy that its cookie day, because I had to refuse last week as I was sick, and I had the pleasure of watching everybody around me eating, warm, gooey, delicious cookies. This week its MY turn.
I also turned down drinking last weekend, so Friday and Saturday are going to be good nights. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My fellow Beaver leaders, Mallak and Tigger, otherwise known as Michaela and Suzanne.
And, yes I know, there's more, I get to judge a carnival on Sunday. I decide who wins and loses, which is pretty awesome for this little control freak.
Good times, good times.