I keep meaning to put up my AMAZING bonfire night pictures, but I haven't, and don't get your hopes up that it'll happen anytime soon, but I do have every intention of doing it one day. So it'll be a suprise when I do.
Work is still pretty awful, but at least The Bitch is away this week which at least makes it tolerable. I can even tolerate the 11 hour days without her there. Which says a lot for her management skills.
I'm currently working out how to screw the company out of an extra two weeks holiday per year. Because of my work with Beavers (scouts, not animals, or anything else) I get extra time off to do this. So, as I have run out of holiday time and fancy a few days off, we may be having a few extra all day meetings that I HAVE to attend.
Anyway I am off to enjoy whats left of the night, and spend my usual evening sitting on the coach, wearing PJs, under the duvet, with a hot water bottle. Aww bliss. Yes, I am a young old biddy but according to Cosmo, thats the new in thing...
Monday, November 21, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005

Tonight is my Ann Summers party, which I'm hoping will be a fun time, drink, food and sex toys. yum. But loads of people have dropped out at the last minute. Seriously guys, if you say you can do something then do it. Of the 12 people I was expecting (and bought food for), I now have 6. Fantastic. But having been to one with 5 recently, then at least I am one up! And therefore I am the winner.
Well, I'm off to welcome the guests and pass around rabbits....
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
So clever
Today I put a shelf set together, and not an easy one either. But I did it all by myself, with no mistakes, and its pretty sturdy. I am so proud. On the downside though, I tried to drill into the wall to hang up a coat hook and hit metal, so now I have a hole, no coat hook, and I'm a little unsure of what to do next. So, SIMS 2 it is then. By the way, I don't feel that I have celebrated my favourite holiday of the year enough on here, so next time I will take you through the joys of Guy Fawkes night, and the fireworks. Its a date.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I've been missing in action the last week or two, so I'll apologise. I can't get enthusiastic about writing about me, or life, when it sucks so much. Or when nothing fun is happening. Today I am mostly filled with the odd panic attack feeling when I think about work, which is then closly followed with a feeling of rage, then diappointment, usually the end result being tears. I HATE MY JOB, and hate with a passion. Who thought it was a good idea to invent spreadsheets to record what you do minute by minute at work. Seriously, it takes forever and is the biggest pile of crap you will ever come across. Then they want you to ignore the work you urgently need to get done for clients, so you can make enough phonecalls to satisfy their spreadsheets. Some kind of re re must be running my department. Why are management teams lacking common sense. If they actually did the work themselves their tiny little heads would explode, but all they seem to spend their time doing is making my life harder. And now to top it off, I found out through gossip that I am moving teams on Monday. Nice of my team manager to tell me, or even ask if I minded. But no, they just put me on another team with some woman hating team manager. She doesn't seem to like to promote women and is basically the office bully/bitch. Fantastic. Maybe its time to hand my notice in.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Feelin' good
Ín the middle of packing for my flight home I felt I had to share some of the things I learnt on this trip. Firstly Kate and Stacy helped to enlarge my vocabulary by teaching me some new words. Re-re and rammy, which could be used in the sentence 'Stacy is a rammy little re-re.' I think this one will make it back to the motherland. Lets see how far we can spread the word of Kate.
I also learnt that Stacy needs constant supervision around flames, and as soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will tell the whole story.
I learnt that Kate needs to be censored in public because I really don't think she can stop herself from making those innappropriate, sexual undertoned remarks. And to stop calling me Whorelotte in front of random strangers.
And I saw a Chinese girl picking her nose, for a good couple of minutes, in the middle of a crowded bus.
Aww America.
I also learnt that Stacy needs constant supervision around flames, and as soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will tell the whole story.
I learnt that Kate needs to be censored in public because I really don't think she can stop herself from making those innappropriate, sexual undertoned remarks. And to stop calling me Whorelotte in front of random strangers.
And I saw a Chinese girl picking her nose, for a good couple of minutes, in the middle of a crowded bus.
Aww America.
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