With Christmas on its way, my social life has moved up a notch or ten. And I keep meaning to write on here, but I just haven't had time. So I am going to try and remember all the things that happened to me recently and compile them in a short, efficient, time saving list.
1. The Bitch boss resigned the other day, which is the BEST Christmas present I could ever hope for!
2. I don't feel Christmassy yet. And I don't like working up until Christmas and then squeezing it in to a few days. In fact I think the whole of December should be one long holiday. And there should be Christmas films on all day every day.
3. I watched Home Alone the other day. Which did fill me with a teeny bit of Christmas cheer. As only a film about parents neglecting their children do.
4. I went to a party the other night. I didn't get completely wasted, nor did I get a hang over. I think I am growing up. I had a great time apart from the three miserable girls who sat there sulking all night, until we asked them to leave.
5. Nana Moon died in Eastenders, and I cried.
6. Then I went round to Ben's and he made me watch the re-run of it. He cried.
7. I went to London yesterday. I met Jeff, who I haven't seen in about three years. We had lunch and a few drinks. He didn't get naked. We reminisced about Union. Good times.
8. The reason I was in London was because I was showing this friend of mine the sights. She's never been to London before and wanted to know what to do and where to go. So we went shopping, saw the lights, and had a good time. And I feel all warm inside because I was doing a good thing.
9. Back to point no. 1. The guy at work who called me to tell me Bitch boss had resigned has been calling me a lot recently. And apparently not answering the phone doesn't seem to give him a hint. He just leaves messages. And then calls again.. And he is a real prat. So, now I need to work out how to block his phone number.
10. Still no man. So no decent Christmas present. Damn it. I would like a man for Christmas through to Valentines. That's all. Just for the presents and attention.
I think that covers all. I might post Hunstanton Christmas lights pictures soon. Not the town ones, because there are about 3, but the ones people have done on their houses. Soon. Happy Christmas.