Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's the Race for Life on Tuesday!!!

Not long now, so please dig deep for a good cause!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm back

Oh My God, Where is this year going. I can;t believe it's only a few weeks until my holiday, and even less until my Race for Life! The training has been pathetic recently. I really need to get my act together.
I went to see Frank Skinner last night in London. It was for a pilot for a new show, and was pretty funny. We got front row seats so that was good. It turned into a family event, and there were NO arguments. Yay!

I spent the weekend doing the garden, and I'm so impressed with what I have done. I still ache from the four hours of solid digging but it looks good. I am going to post pictures as soon as my computer gets fixed. I have a new camera now so I need an excuse to use it!

I tried to do the decent thing today and give blood, but after two blood tests they wouldn't take any! How ungrateful! Apparently my iron levels are too low. I was quite looking forward to feeling all smug and proud for doing a good thing, but it wasn't to be.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


It's been a busy few weeks. And my computer still doesn't work. I really need to get my act together.

Good news, its only 3 weeks until my holiday in New York and Boston! I can't wait to see Stacy, Kate, Andy, Crystal and Mike etc. And if anyone else wants to meet up, get booked in soon, cos I'm a popular girl!

I'm so tired. I have to fininsh painting the kitchen. I started the job a week and a half ago, thinking I would have it done in a day or two. Not really the best planning. I'm hoping to do a wall each night, but I might just leave it until Saturday.

OK, sleep time.