Monday, February 14, 2005


Last night I saw my first ever stripper doin' her thang. In a restaurant, while we were eating, and all I could think about was how unhygenic it was! I went for a meal last night with a friend of mine and his work friends, for his birthday. We went to our local Indian, fab food. There were only the two tables, us and a group of about 10 men. All of a sudden the music gets turned on, and this biggish black woman comes in, and starts dancing for one of the men. Possibly not the best night to do it, seeing as 50% of the restaurant was either female, or gay. But anyway, it was kinda memerising to watch. Especially when she put her nipples in the guys eyes. Ah, breasts, the things you can do with them...Anyway, i digress. After finishing the dance, it seemed like a funny idea to tell her that it was Leon's birthday. So he had his first, and probably only, female stripper. Bless. His face was a picture. Especially when he had to kiss her bum. But he was a lot better behaved than the other guy, who despite getting married today, was not adverse to a bit of frantic groping. Which, if I hadn't been put off my food already by her saggy breasts, would have done the job. However, I might laugh at her, but the sad fact is that she is probably earning more in 10 minutes than I do in a week.
Happy Birthday Leon.

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