Saturday, March 26, 2005


Once more my slothfullness (yes, it is a word) has reached new levels, after not writing all week. I could use the excuse of being traumatised by my recent burglary, or that I have been really busy with work, but I am going to give you more credit than that. There is no excuse apart from sheer laziness. Once or twice I have planned blogs in my head on the long journey home from work, but then I get in and decide that it is just too much hassle to turn the computer on and I lose valuable TV time. In my defence the computer is really slow and doesn't seem to like blogger, once or twice deleting whole blogs rather than publishing, but if I was dedicated little things like that shouldn't stop me. So this weekend I have decided to make it up, and I will attempt to post as many blogs as I can create. Obviously trying not to sacrifice quality for quantity, but lets face it, there isn't much quality going on anyway!
This week I have been trying not to freak out about my exam. The work seemed to be getting harder, but on thursday I made a breakthrough. I mastered foreign exchange. I remembered how to work out the eqations and rearrange them, which may sound easy to some people but is a real trial for me. My brain just doesn't work that way. I can master history and english and pretty useless subjects like that, but maths really isn't my strong point! Maybe its because I'm left handed. I'm sure I read somewhere that left handed people are better at that arts rather than the logical subjects. Something to think about...
So work seems to be picking up a bit, things are making that little bit more sense, although I still get that nasty churning feeling in my stomach when I think about sitting the exam and how little time is left to study. I don't think I have ever put this much time and effort into studying for an exam. How the hell did I pass my degree with so little work? Is it down to the fact that my brain is unused to work after spending so long in a job that required very little thinking? Or it is due to me just generally getting dumber? Or is it the subject matter? I am finding that things I thought I had forgotten years ago are still in my brain, they had just been hiding for a while. I found myself thinking in french the other day and being able to form sentances and use words that I had completely forgotten about years ago. I started talking about random dates and facts from American history at the dinner table, and I knew I was right and not just bullshitting like usual. This leads me to think that maybe me studying again is waking up my brain after a year or so of nothing. And this then makes me realise that after I finish this course I really don't want to become stupid again. So maybe I will do some more course. I could brush up on history, and english literature. The idea to do it is all there, but we will see...knowing me I will probably get the brochures, and then put them aside, aiming to do it later, and it will never happen. But at least the thought is there...

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