Saturday, May 07, 2005

Proud to be English?

This week marked a tragedy for democracy. Not only did a party gain power with only 36% of the country voting for them, but that party was labour. So now we have another four years of rising taxes, a complete disregard for the wishes of the English population and that smarmy smile. What is the country coming to when the primeminister is elected solely by Sun readers, and thats only because they can't think for themselves. And lets face it, these people probably shouldn't be allowed a vote anyway.
So what can we expect in the next few years? Lets hope that now Labour has lost seats that the rest of the government will be able to have some kind of control over Blairs foreign policy. Maybe now he will be more cautious about entering into military operations without the support of Parliament and the population. Maybe now the alliance between Bush and Blair will also weaken. Maybe we will now have a government controlled by Britain rather than a trigger happy, overgrown American monkey man and his puppet.
If Labour had to win them I am at least glad that is is with such a small proportion, and maybe the results of the next election will actually represent what the country wants.

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