Tuesday, November 15, 2005

So clever

Today I put a shelf set together, and not an easy one either. But I did it all by myself, with no mistakes, and its pretty sturdy. I am so proud. On the downside though, I tried to drill into the wall to hang up a coat hook and hit metal, so now I have a hole, no coat hook, and I'm a little unsure of what to do next. So, SIMS 2 it is then. By the way, I don't feel that I have celebrated my favourite holiday of the year enough on here, so next time I will take you through the joys of Guy Fawkes night, and the fireworks. Its a date.


Stacy said...

OH MY GOD! I totally forgot to ask you how you were enjoying your new game... :) Send me an email & tell me all about it!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there.......
Your blogs are fab

Talk soon
Steph --- smithdon high