I have been sooo productive tonight, which is a good thing because I was pathetically lazy last night. I also realised that I might be something of a creative genius. I really think this dragon is pretty fantastic and I did it all by myself in one night!! My carnival float is going to win this year!!
Today was also my lucky day. I realized that I didn't have enough money to pay for parking today, and I was beginning to panic, but then I found a £1 in the bottom of my bag. I remember the days where finding a £10 in my bag was great, now I get as excited over a £1 coin, which is pretty sad.
I am now off to create another masterpiece. By the way, if anyone has a Chinese dress I could borrow for the Carnival that would be fantastic.
Looks good but don't cut your ear off just yet like Van Gogh!!!
like the dragon, in unrelated news is it true about helen and steve leaving?
Yeah, it's true. Fancy a job...?
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