Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I did pretty good present wise this year. I got an IPOD which does the whole pictures, videos AND song thing. So seeing as I have NO idea how to work it, I have spent the last 3 days converting all my music on my computer to ITUNES. But the more I learn about it, the better it looks! I got loads of great stuff, pretty much everything from my christmas list, so I'm a happy chappy.

I hope you all had a great Christmas. I have a few parties over the next week, and of course my birthday on the 20th January, so presents are more than appreciated. I will leave you now with a picture of my favourite new toy.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

santa claus is coming to town...

With Christmas on its way, my social life has moved up a notch or ten. And I keep meaning to write on here, but I just haven't had time. So I am going to try and remember all the things that happened to me recently and compile them in a short, efficient, time saving list.

1. The Bitch boss resigned the other day, which is the BEST Christmas present I could ever hope for!

2. I don't feel Christmassy yet. And I don't like working up until Christmas and then squeezing it in to a few days. In fact I think the whole of December should be one long holiday. And there should be Christmas films on all day every day.

3. I watched Home Alone the other day. Which did fill me with a teeny bit of Christmas cheer. As only a film about parents neglecting their children do.

4. I went to a party the other night. I didn't get completely wasted, nor did I get a hang over. I think I am growing up. I had a great time apart from the three miserable girls who sat there sulking all night, until we asked them to leave.

5. Nana Moon died in Eastenders, and I cried.

6. Then I went round to Ben's and he made me watch the re-run of it. He cried.

7. I went to London yesterday. I met Jeff, who I haven't seen in about three years. We had lunch and a few drinks. He didn't get naked. We reminisced about Union. Good times.

8. The reason I was in London was because I was showing this friend of mine the sights. She's never been to London before and wanted to know what to do and where to go. So we went shopping, saw the lights, and had a good time. And I feel all warm inside because I was doing a good thing.

9. Back to point no. 1. The guy at work who called me to tell me Bitch boss had resigned has been calling me a lot recently. And apparently not answering the phone doesn't seem to give him a hint. He just leaves messages. And then calls again.. And he is a real prat. So, now I need to work out how to block his phone number.

10. Still no man. So no decent Christmas present. Damn it. I would like a man for Christmas through to Valentines. That's all. Just for the presents and attention.

I think that covers all. I might post Hunstanton Christmas lights pictures soon. Not the town ones, because there are about 3, but the ones people have done on their houses. Soon. Happy Christmas.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Team bonding

Pictures will be following soon of the 'team night' I hosted at my house, when I find the wire to connect to the computer. But for now I have a few things to share with you about it.

Firstly, the night came about because the company decided to get morale up and make you feel like the measly pay and crap work was all worthwhile, by paying £5 per head for us to have a team night and bond. However, for £5 you can't do much, so we bought ingredients, and cooked a dish each, and came to mine. Well, the wine flowed, as it usually does in my house, and the night did improve. Thank God it was with the old team, because there is no way the Bitch manager of the new team was coming to my house. Anyway I digress. There were a few shocked comments about the creative poetry on my fridge, which I wasurpriseded about because I had taken the rudest sentences off. By the way, whoever it was that bought me the erotic poetry magnets for the fridge, I would like to thank you for the hours of fun I have making up rude words. It never fails to entertain my little mind...

It seems that all had good fun. Quotes of the night include:
I'm NOT a nun, just a Reverend.' - my reply to a shocked team mate after seeing the fridge.
'I'm Santa Claus' love child.' - this older, small gnome like man.

'James, only speak when you hold the doughnut. You get three warnings and then you get sent to the kitchen.' - once again, another quote from me, improvising on the method we use at beavers to shut up noisy kids. And James just doesn't shut up..

And the prize of the night goes to James who we sent out to get wine. He called up to ask: 'Should I get 4 red and 1 white? At which point we told him 'no, nobody is drinking the red.' He replies with, 'ok, so 3 red and 2 white then?' His stupidity met new boundaries. ( This was nasty James, not hot James.)

Jen also won a prize for the most inappropriate comment when she turned to Nicola and said, 'yeah charlotte told me you couldn't keep down a job...'

Ah, the effects of alcohol...


I just ate a boiled egg. This might not be exciting for anybody else, or even blog worthy, but for me its a big thing. I haven't eaten a boiled egg in about 18 years. But tonight I got home from Hunstanton, feeling yucky and full of phlegm, and the fridge was empty, apart from one egg. So Nicola kindly 'leant' me the egg, on the strict promise I would buy her another, and the boiled egg happened. I did have to check how to cook it, but it was worth being laughed at. Although I'm still hungry because I only eat the yellow bit which makes it a very small meal. But I still have a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Which is nice and takes away from the sore eyes, phlegm, sore throat and achiness which is current state of my cold, for those that are interested.
Hot water bottle time now, another recent childhood find which brings me hours of fun and warmth. Ahhh, life is good.

Friday, December 02, 2005

party girl

Tonight I have officially become boring. I have turned down a party, albeit a work party, with people that I don't really like, and managers that are looking for any reason to stab you in the back, to go to IKEA tomorrow. And I am more excited about IKEA. I admit that for a few moments today I thought it would be a good idea to get wasted and have a laugh with the few nice people at work, and yes that was after my liquid lunch, but I think staying at my freezing home with no heating will actually be more fun.

Anyway, Rach and baby are here tonight, although the baby is asleep and not entertaining me like I though she would. So maybe I'll just get wasted by myself and have my dignity still intact on monday at work.

So cold my fingers are falling off so I have to go get a hot water bottle and get under my duvet. I know how to live. Yes I do. Happy Friday night.

Monday, November 21, 2005

where did all the good men go and where is all the fun....

I keep meaning to put up my AMAZING bonfire night pictures, but I haven't, and don't get your hopes up that it'll happen anytime soon, but I do have every intention of doing it one day. So it'll be a suprise when I do.

Work is still pretty awful, but at least The Bitch is away this week which at least makes it tolerable. I can even tolerate the 11 hour days without her there. Which says a lot for her management skills.

I'm currently working out how to screw the company out of an extra two weeks holiday per year. Because of my work with Beavers (scouts, not animals, or anything else) I get extra time off to do this. So, as I have run out of holiday time and fancy a few days off, we may be having a few extra all day meetings that I HAVE to attend.

Anyway I am off to enjoy whats left of the night, and spend my usual evening sitting on the coach, wearing PJs, under the duvet, with a hot water bottle. Aww bliss. Yes, I am a young old biddy but according to Cosmo, thats the new in thing...

Friday, November 18, 2005


Tonight is my Ann Summers party, which I'm hoping will be a fun time, drink, food and sex toys. yum. But loads of people have dropped out at the last minute. Seriously guys, if you say you can do something then do it. Of the 12 people I was expecting (and bought food for), I now have 6. Fantastic. But having been to one with 5 recently, then at least I am one up! And therefore I am the winner.

Well, I'm off to welcome the guests and pass around rabbits....


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

So clever

Today I put a shelf set together, and not an easy one either. But I did it all by myself, with no mistakes, and its pretty sturdy. I am so proud. On the downside though, I tried to drill into the wall to hang up a coat hook and hit metal, so now I have a hole, no coat hook, and I'm a little unsure of what to do next. So, SIMS 2 it is then. By the way, I don't feel that I have celebrated my favourite holiday of the year enough on here, so next time I will take you through the joys of Guy Fawkes night, and the fireworks. Its a date.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


I've been missing in action the last week or two, so I'll apologise. I can't get enthusiastic about writing about me, or life, when it sucks so much. Or when nothing fun is happening. Today I am mostly filled with the odd panic attack feeling when I think about work, which is then closly followed with a feeling of rage, then diappointment, usually the end result being tears. I HATE MY JOB, and hate with a passion. Who thought it was a good idea to invent spreadsheets to record what you do minute by minute at work. Seriously, it takes forever and is the biggest pile of crap you will ever come across. Then they want you to ignore the work you urgently need to get done for clients, so you can make enough phonecalls to satisfy their spreadsheets. Some kind of re re must be running my department. Why are management teams lacking common sense. If they actually did the work themselves their tiny little heads would explode, but all they seem to spend their time doing is making my life harder. And now to top it off, I found out through gossip that I am moving teams on Monday. Nice of my team manager to tell me, or even ask if I minded. But no, they just put me on another team with some woman hating team manager. She doesn't seem to like to promote women and is basically the office bully/bitch. Fantastic. Maybe its time to hand my notice in.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Feelin' good

Ín the middle of packing for my flight home I felt I had to share some of the things I learnt on this trip. Firstly Kate and Stacy helped to enlarge my vocabulary by teaching me some new words. Re-re and rammy, which could be used in the sentence 'Stacy is a rammy little re-re.' I think this one will make it back to the motherland. Lets see how far we can spread the word of Kate.

I also learnt that Stacy needs constant supervision around flames, and as soon as I get the pictures uploaded I will tell the whole story.

I learnt that Kate needs to be censored in public because I really don't think she can stop herself from making those innappropriate, sexual undertoned remarks. And to stop calling me Whorelotte in front of random strangers.

And I saw a Chinese girl picking her nose, for a good couple of minutes, in the middle of a crowded bus.

Aww America.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I wish Losure was In Boston

I've arrived. Back in USA staying with some of my favourite Americans, Stacy, Kate and Gillian. Although Kate has Bronchitus on some such disease and has been hacking up flem since I got here, so she's not much fun yet. I've consumed more pizza, chocolate, cold pizza, more chocolate than I have in years and now I feel a little sick. Which must mean popcorn time.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

By the Power of Greyskull!!

I'm feeling a little nostalgic today. I miss the days of He-man, She-ra, Gloworms, Keypers, rubix cubes, Sylvanian Families, and My Little Pony (not the anorexic crappy ones they have today, but the real My Little Pony). I want to be a Princess of Power and have a pink horse called Spirit and fight Hordak for the Honour of Greyskull. I want to be able to hide my secrets inside a plastic, pastel coloured animal. I want to play with a Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtle (or TMNT for those in the know). I want Sindys to come back, she was so much prettier than Barbie, and younger. I want to play with Fuzzy Felts and Transformers - Robot in Disguise.

Aww, it seems so long ago.

We're all going on our summer holidays...lalalala

Well, not summer holdays, but winter holiday. And thats cos the flights are cheaper. Although after booking I relised that had I waited 2 weeks, the flights would have fallen by another £100. Damn.
Anyway, 2 days til holiday. Which has suddenly hit me. Up until now it didn't seem real. Or close. And now I have to pack! I'm actually nervous which is weird considering the amount of travelling I have done before and that I used to fly to America every two months for about 3 years. A years break from the travelling and I feel like a little flying virgin.

Anyway, I get to see some of my favourite people in the whole world. Well, in America. I am soooooooooooooo excited.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sick sick sick

I am feeling very sorry for myself at the moment so forgive me if I moan and whine on and on. Me and Nic have managed to spawn some kind of mutant virus, a mixture of cold, flu and sickness all in one. Which is nice to say the least. So today i have had a duvet day and watched a million movies and generally felt crap. Having got sick of watching films, I am now resorting to 'real life tv.' Tonights highlights include 'My Two Mums are Men', which is exactly as weird as it sounds, that poor kid, and 'Star Spell', where Z list celebrities are tested on their spelling. I'm so glad I pay a fortune every year on my tv licence so I get the opportunity to watch quality television such as this. Back to the duvet.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Today I bought a shelf set for the bathroom. I thought it would be the answer to all of my storage problems. So I spent an hour putting it together, dragged it upstairs, and then when I got it into the bathroom it didn't fit. So I have had to drag it all the way downstairs again, battle a spider on the way and then take it all apart, put it all back in the plastic wrapper and pretend it had never been put together, so then I can return it tomorrow. Damn.

And the spider was HUGE. and a fast runner. But its ok, it went into Nicola's shoe.

Friday, September 30, 2005

sexy sexy

tonight i went to an ann summers party and i admit it was a little scary. I'm not into the whole female bonding crap that usually has you revealing your darkest secrets, but I must admit this was fun. Although I think the copious amounts of alcohol helped.

I saw more sex toys tonight than I have ever seen before and found out things that I didn't know was possbile. A real eye opener. The rampant Rabbit looked a little scary. although the thruster was a little more tame. But still prety scary. You know what, I would just like a man rather than hundred of toys. So come on boys!

Sunday, September 25, 2005


I thought I would draw you a little picture of my accident.(previous post). Just to emphasise the point. Again.

My little Accident

My poor poor knee, and elbow, and hip. Last night on the way home from the pub, outside my house, I tripped up a kerb. And the results are the horrible grazes on my arm. These pictures should emphasise the fact that they do actually really, really hurt. Sting. Ow. And although these pictures do look dirty, they really are pictures of my elbow and knee.

After doing the fantastic superman flying impression up the kerb, I lay there for a while in shock. At this point my dad came out of the house to see me lying on the floor and michaela and sarah standing laughing at me. Probably not the best impression. But, I did manage to save the chicken burger. Probably the reason why I didn't put my hands out to stop falling. But I had to prioritise.

And although nobody will believe me, I wasn't that drunk. I was tipsy, but not falling over, messy drunk. Nowhere near. But will anybody believe me? NO!

Anyway, I'm off to nurse my wounds. Sympathy please. Violins. Poor me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells....

I feel cut off from the real world at the moment. The only news I read is financially related which means that unless some major world disaster affects the stock markets, I don't know about it. Which is kind of sad. So today I have spent the afternoon at 'work' at the hotel. Work has been done, but so has surfing the web. I have caught up on the so intellectual entertainment news, a little bit of world news, and learnt that an Australian had a run in with a shark posing as a seal

Anyway, work at the hotel has been fun. In between emails/news/emails/shopping/emails and on, I have managed to organise our Christmas Fayre and get all the invites out, which is a big job out the way. Which makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. But also a little tired.

I'm not sure of what to do tonight. I could: A. Go out, get wasted, not get chatted up and come home feeling like a troll. B. Stay in and get up early and do things tomorrow.

I can't get drunk without my brain linking it in someway to men.

Anyway, the rambling has started. And I DO want a drink. So maybe I will go out.

Todays Tops Tips

Chlamidia is not a Flower

Monday, September 19, 2005

Batman Birthday!

Today is the birthday of Adam West so using that as an excuse I'd like to pay homage to the superhero that is Batman. I'm not talking about the modern Batman films either, I mean the POW, BAM, ZWAPP Batman films of olden days.
Something you might not know about Batman...Batman and Robin WERE'NT gay. Apparently Aunt Harriet was written into the series to counter the rumors that Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson were gay. Not really sure how that works, maybe she just kept a watchful eye on them or something.

Anyway, slightly off the plot there, here are my favourite Bat Weapons.
No. 1 - Shark Repellent Bat Spray. Just in case you have a shark after you.
No. 2 - Bat-Thermal Underwear – Used to combat Mr Freeze’s weaponry and the more chilly Bat-Nights.
No 3. - The Bat-arang – Batman’s all purpose boomerang shaped weapon, kept on the famous utility belt.

And then there was the car and all the cool gadgets on that, and the phone, and the computer..oh the list goes on..

To the Batmobile, lets go!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005



So the other night was drunken twister night for one of us...not nicola.Although she did a great job of joining in the twister for two game, NOT in the dirty way... So I enclose some pictures for you all to share...

Monday, September 12, 2005

New House

I haven't written for ages but I have a good excuse this time! I have finally moved into my new house! Yay! I'm all unpacked and settled in now, and sometime soon I will make the effort to post pictures of it. I seem to have a LOT of spiders. And they are BIG and some kind of immortal breed that just won't die no matter how hard you hit them. But apart from that its good. And I have a garden. My purchase of the week has to be my new spade. I've been digging in the garden and feeling very 'good life' about it. Maybe I'll even grow some vegetables. But I've had to rethink the whole getting a horse in the garden thing. I just don't think it will work. And the shed as a bar. Cos it gets really hot in there and there's nothing worse than warm vodka/beer.
Yumm beer time .

Saturday, September 03, 2005


All this week we have had to listen to Americans moaning about the price of petrol. I'd like to see them pay our prices. I paid 93p per litre yesterday to fill up my car. That means that for a full tank of petrol for my little car I have to fork out over £40. Which would be about $70+ for a tank of petrol for the Americans among you. Yeah. That told you..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pretty pics

I've been getting a little creative with my camera recently. No longer is its only use taking drunken pictures in the pub, but maybe a few nice ones too. So I thought I'd share some with you.. To brighten up your day...

Menopausal Mother

I think that women of a certain age should be locked up for a few years, or until the menopause is over, to save the sanity of anyone who has the unfortunate situation of living/working/or just generally being near them. I don't claim to understand the inner workings of the body, but I know that hormones or lack of them, when they run out, makes women crazy, and by women I mean my mum. The hot flushes, the memory loss, the weight gain, the moodiness are just some of the effects of the menopause. But the change from a normal mum, who is generally sometimes dependable, to this unstable, completely undependable, secretive, sneaky, paranoid and insecure person is a pretty big shock. All of a sudden the person who you think is reliable and will fix everything, isn't there anymore, and you're the one who has to take control and play the adult. Which is a huge change. And I don't like it.
So, lock them up, or at least give them a tablet to stop it. I know they can get HRT but I don't understand the point of going from no hormones to pumping too many in to your body. I mean surely that will only make things worse? Think of the moodswings etc with PMT and then multiply it by ten. Not such a great idea anymore...

Anyway, moan over.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Scary stuff

Today I took out home and contents insurance. Which is scary because it confirms the fact that as from Thursday I will be a home owner. With a mortgage. And responsibilities. Wow. Not bad for someone who has a mental capability of a 5 year old...
Up until now I have kind of put this thought out of my head. After months of arguing with the mortgage company I'd almost convinced myself that it would never happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up. But now it's happening. And thats scary.
However, I do like the idea of being insured. Now even if I do something stupid and damage my house I don't have to pay for it. I can put my foot through the ceiling and its ok. Not that i'm planning to.
I think I am feeling like a grown up. But at the same time I am feeling pretty sick, which I don't think is because I have a hangover, but because I'm scared. Really petrified. But happy too. I think that after 6 months of living at home I'm finding it hard to step out of that protective bubble and go into the big wide scary world. I will have to buy my own food again. And pay bills. And other scary grown up things. But I will have my own house which is pretty cool.

House warming presents are welcome.

Nail in the coffin

And a week after I said I liked my brother's girlfriend...they broke up. Having been together a year and a half, I finally meet her, realise that yes, she is nice, and then he finishes it. Good job Alistair. The ONE girlfriend I like. I feel like I have lost something too...

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Recently I find myself having to forcibly distiguish between reality and 'non reality', aka TV world. I think the time has come to turn off the TV. My mind seems to wonder off into another dimension where characters in soaps,films and books are real. What happens to these people affects me too. If they are angry, sad, in trouble, I tend to think about it and think of ways to help them out, and then I realise ITS NOT REAL and come back to real world. Is this normal? I'm hoping that it's just the side effect of watching too much tv in the evenings and not enough talking to real people. Which will change soon when I move into my new house and don;t have to drive that 57 miles to work day in day out. Ahhh. I will have been given the gift of time. So, house warming party the weekend after next... and any ideas of how to turn my shed into a bar would be well appreciated.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


And to continue previous post...

Another good thing. Lil Bro's girlfriend has been staying this week. Which generally wouldn't be a good thing, but after finally meeting her, I have decided that she has my approval. Not only is this girl nice, intelligent and pretty, which would generally make me dislike a girl, but she is normal.Not like the last one. No weird alcohol related name ending in an i, which I wont go into, but you know who she is. Anyway, I finally like one of my brother's girlfriends. Which leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I think I'm finally maturing.

Good week, Bad week

Today I had a pretty good day, which in general brightened up what has been a pretty terrible week. Which is kind of good. Because its only Wednesday, which means that although the week began badly there is a chance that the overall goodness of the week can improve.
Good things that happened today:
1. The man who waves at me in the mornings on the way to work is back! After two months of disapearance he has returned, and greeted me this morning with a grin and wave. Which pretty much put me in a good mood for the whole day, which is no mean feat at 7am in the morning.
2. My mortgage came through finally which means in a few weeks I will be moving! Yes, I will be a home owner. Scary stuff, because deep down I know I still have the mentality of a five year old.
3. I stuffed myself to the point of being sick with Chinese food to celebrate the aforementioned mortgage.

And there are things to look forward to for the other two days before the weekend. Friday is not only Cookie Day at work, but also a dress down day. Which is good news. But generally I am more happy that its cookie day, because I had to refuse last week as I was sick, and I had the pleasure of watching everybody around me eating, warm, gooey, delicious cookies. This week its MY turn.
I also turned down drinking last weekend, so Friday and Saturday are going to be good nights. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My fellow Beaver leaders, Mallak and Tigger, otherwise known as Michaela and Suzanne.

And, yes I know, there's more, I get to judge a carnival on Sunday. I decide who wins and loses, which is pretty awesome for this little control freak.

Good times, good times.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

at the car wash..lalala

I think the most productive thing I did today was washing my car. Probably because I hadn't planned to. I was just making my packed lunch, it was 9pm, kinda getting darker outside, and time for bed for boring, no social life on a weekday me, and then it just happened. In about 15 mins. And the fact that I did it before my brain got in gear and realised I had done it was a bonus.
So shiny car for moi tomorrow. Woohoo.

Also, as a reward for saying nice things in a survey about working environemnts recently, on Friday work is paying for an icecream van to come round and give us free icecreams. Which is pretty cool. Cos we all know I can be bought with free icecream. or cookies. or alcohol, lets fact it the list is endless....i'm just cheap.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter!! Woo woo!!

This weekend has been perfect. Just perfect. I went out Friday night. Had a great time. Got wasted. Saturday morning I woke up early with no side affects from the night before, and the postman delivered the book I have spent the last two years waiting for. I then spent the entire afternoon in the garden, sitting in my fantastically comfy deck chair, and dangling my feet in the cool refreshing water of the paddling pool, reading the amazing book. By midnight last night I had finished it.
I won't ruin it for those who haven't read it yet, but I do feel traumatised by the ending. It's fantastic, but the storyline just gets darker with each book. And I admit I got a little scared at parts. And I really feel like I have lost a friend, when a certain somebody dies. Well maybe not a friend, but I do feel sad, and a little dead inside. I'm one of those people who likes the happy endings, being the reason why I never watched the ending to Titanic. As far as I am concerned, they got together, hooked up in a car, and that was the end. That's when I pressed stop on the VCR anyway. Because I knew if I carried on watching people would die, so if I didn't watch any further, nothing bad would happen to them. This is how my mind works.

So now I am mourning the loss of such a great character in Harry Potter, but also celebrating such a fantastic book. And I'm sure people will start talking to me again now that I don't remind them in every conversation just how many days/hours/minutes until the book was released.

I never really realised I was this much of a nerd, but apparently I am. Nerd Power.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I just realised that you haven't had the pictures of the carnival that I promised. Well, I had all intention but my camera is being a dick right now, so you will have to wait. But they are coming soon. BTW I made the local paper, dressed as an elephant. Woohoo. Thats a pic you won't want to miss.

Spawn of the devil..

Why are so many people having babies right now. I've been trying to work out what was going on 8-9 months ago that causing it. Maybe nothing, and they were bored. Or maybe some huge big deal that just makes people want to have sex and spawn kids. From my exhaustive research (BBC website) I found out that not much was going on. I think Cambodia got a new King, and there was a big uprise in mental health problems in China, but thats about it.
Anyway, for some reason all these people are having kids, which in my mind is pretty inconsiderate. I think it could have been planned better, you know, spread out a bit, so my wallet has time to recover from the obligatory present buying before the next batch.
And I've also noticed that babies have been getting uglier. I'm finding it increasingly hard to tell these brand new, immensly proud parents that their kid is lovely and pretty, when in all honesty you feel like shielding your eyes from the horror that is their face.

So, basically think twice before spawning any more of these kids PLEASE.

That is all

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Lil Bro

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to invent little brothers. Why oh why? Why couldn't my parents abstain after having me? Lets face it I'm perfection, why try for more, you're thinking.. Yes and I agree.
I think my problem lies with the fact that I am anally obsessive about my property. Note: CHARLOTTE DOES NOT SHARE. Which would be fine if I was an only child, but causes a few problems with two younger brothers who like to break everything. Boys are careless and mean.
Not only that, when I yell I have to look up to them, as they're both taller than short arse me. Which kind of means they don't take me seriously. I'm older and they should respect that, not gang up on me, damn it.
My younger younger brother, who we affectionally term 'the mistake' has taken to stealing my DVDs when I'm at work, then not returning them and leaving them lying all over his floor getting scratched. This may seem like a petty, little, non mentionable thing to do, but it is driving me CRAZY! I can't even keep my stuff protected in my bedroom! Oh the joys of living at home!

Anyway, a matter of weeks left. House is going through quickly now and that means I will soon have a HUGE mortgage which is scary, but at least my DVDs will be safe...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy Days

Today I found out I passed my exam! So now I am a fully qualified investment professional. Which sounds really cool. Anyway, that's made me happy, and kind of taken the edge off the hangover. Although having just ate a huge cheese burger I think I need to sleep for a while.

Tomorrow is Carnival Day in Hunstanton. I will be dressed as an elephant and yes I promise you pics on Monday. So be there or be a non circle, oblongy shape.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I just googled myself, cos I am that sad. There's actually a site for the Charlotte Observer, which could be a stalking website dedicated to me, or maybe a newpaper for Charlotte NC.
There is also a Queens University of Charlotte, which is pretty cool, cos I would like to be the Queen.

Country Bumpkin

I have recently realised that despite the fact I'm moving to a 'city,' which isn't really a city, but more a large town in the middle of the sticks, with very little going for it, apart from nightclubs, a shopping mall and one or two 24 hours supermarkets, which is more than Sunny Hunny has to offer, that I really am more of a country girl. As much as I hate to admit it, I like quiet nights, that everybody knows everybody, and the lack of traffic. I like going to the pub at the weekend and it being like a school reunion every week. I like walking into a quiet country pub and being a 'local' and getting to give those 'foreigners' strange looks. And by foreigners I mean anybody not from Hunstanton.
So why am I moving away? I don't like those crowded trendy bars where you can't move, get served or even get near the ladies toilet, I have even got past the liking nightclubs phase. I mean I like dancing and drinking, but I don't know why people insist on going to a crowded and generally shit nightclub with sleazy men, expensive drinks and crappy music. If I wanted to get hit on by pervy men I just have to go to my local, at least I can hear what they are saying to me there, rather than guess by gestures.

I've had a niggling in the back of my mind for a few months that I am getting old before my time.

Last night I went out in Peterborough with some guys from work. We all went to the greyhound races, which was a great night, but then they all went on to a bar and club. As I was driving and didn't fancy a crowded smoky bar with a load of drunks, I dropped them off and went home. I thought I would feel like a loser, but I didn't. I actually felt glad that I wasn't going. I felt a little superior. They were surrounded by girls dressed like slappers, sleazy guys and generally a bunch of pricks and I got to go home to bed and avoid it all.
That is not to say I don't have a social life. I am out every weekend. We go to the same pubs and meet the same crowd each week. But it's comfortable. I know these people. I trust them to an extent. That's the difference.

Anyway, in my round about way I'm trying to get to the point of this blog. Yes unlike many this one does have a point.
I have finally accepted that no matter what I pretend to be, I'm me. I can't change that I'm a country girl and I have finally realised that I shouldn't feel ashamed of it. Ok, so Norfolk might have a high level of incest, and locals generally have, shall we say, a slightly less than average intelligence, and most people have never left the county let alone the country, but its home to me. Not that I tolerate or condone incest by the way..

So there you have it. The inner workings of my mind for the past few days. Feel special.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'm melting...

I cannot believe how HOT it is. 33 outside at the moment and in the tone of the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz, 'I'm melting.' Literally. I wonder if I can lose weight this way..

Anyway, having spent the weekend in a drunken haze, I am now partied out and ready for a quiet week, with no studying. Yes, you heard right, NO STUDYING. The exam is over and fingers crossed I'll pass and you won't have to hear me moaning for months on end.

This weekends highlights have included:
1. Spending too much time with friends with no inhibitions at all. Which is a little worrying when you don't know what they will do next... randomly breaking out in song in the middle of a crowded pub , wearing ladies leggings (they are male), giving a very detailed enactment of being born, spilling a drink over some random girl, and then trying to rub it off, whilst 'accidently' groping her breasts, following this by slapping some girl's bum, as she walks past with her boyfriend, who didn't look very happy.
2. Getting home at 5 am when it was supposed to be a quick few drinks and not a mad one.
3. Walking home at 5am when the sun has risen and the town is quiet. A very surreal experience.
4. Learning and remebering a joke, which I then told everybody I met.. Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was dead. Funny on so many levels, and because I like dead jokes.

Anyway, now I have 'shared' I am gonna get back to the task in hand. Looking for an affordable air conditioner so I don't die this summer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So, Michael Jackson is innocent. But just to be on the safe side, how about not making your kids share a bed with a 40 year old of questionable reputation... I'm sure there are other bedrooms in that huge mansion of his.

I didn't think he would get off with it this time. Although the family of the kid was obviously out for the money, but I don't believe MJ was completely blameless. I just wonder how much the jury was influenced by his celebrity status, I know I would find it hard to be objective in that situation...

I think anyone that scary looking should be locked away anyway, for the sake of humanity.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

exam stress

Argh! The exam stress is kicking in big time. Sleep is non-existant and I am getting a slightly wide eyed, manic look about me. 1 week tomorrow. I CANNOT fail this time! I have realised that when you're stressed about one thing, all other little problems seem HUGE and terrifying.
Anyway, my car is running! Something to celebrate!
Probably not making too much sense, but I will once I get some sleep and exam is over, I promise! Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

This morning I am a little hungover. My throat hurts, my eyes are sore, and I have that horrible slightly sick feeling that just won't go away. I'm hungry, but all I want to eat is junk food. And I just want to watch TV and doze. I hate Sundays.
I have also lost the remote control which has pretty much ruined my day...
I am always losing things. Where do they go? Last night I lost my beer for half an hour. I searched everywhere, only to find it in the shower. (Yes, the shower beer tradition has returned.) Yesterday I found my car keys in the fridge, alongside my video remote control. If I am like this now, what will happen when I'm old?

Urgh, too much to think about. I'm going to sleep again.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

All work and no play makes Charlotte a dull dull girl

This week I have realized something about myself. I have realized that since getting this job, I no longer have a life. I spend evenings and weekends studying and worrying about exams. My bedtime has moved forward a few hours, so now I go to bed while it’s still light outside because I have to get up so fucking early it hurts. I go out one night a week, and then feel guilty about it the next day.
This morning I woke up at 9am and got up to listen to some CD Rom about the FSMA 2000 Act. It’s a Saturday! My eyes actually hurt. Seriously.
When people ask me what I did over the weekend, there’s this awkward pause while I try and remember something fun. All this for a job that I don’t really care about in an industry I really do NOT understand. And even though there is potential to earn big bucks one day, right now that seems like a long way off, and anyway, I would probably have to be good at the job to get that far, and lets face it that isn’t looking likely.

Anyway, I have decided that I need to give myself goals and make the most of my non- work time (as soon as exam is over and if I pass it this time). And also as soon as I move into my new house, and don’t have early mornings so I can do something at night.
So now the excuses are over, one day I plan to do these things.

1. Get a cheap flight and go somewhere for the weekend. Paris, Rome etc..
2. Go visit friends and family more often.
3. Return peoples phone calls and actually catch up with old friends.
4. Do something in the evenings, other than watch TV.
5. Do a course in something fun and interesting.
6. Get a holiday!
7. Go for a bike ride.
8. Buy a bike...

Any other ideas anyone? Whilst I'm all up for the self improvement thing.. it might not last long.

Monday, May 30, 2005

yes, I am being lazy

Before anyone comments on the fact that all of my last few blogs have been pretty lazy, in that I have just used stuff from the internet, yes, you are right. But in all truthfulness, I really haven't had anything remotely exciting or even worth talking about this week, so I am running low on ideas. Next week, I plan to be much more exciting and fun....
I love finding little gems like this on the net. Anything to distract me from the work I am supposed to be doing! I dare you to try out some of these just to liven up those endless days at work...

Office Dares
Thing to keep you occupied at the office while you avoid work !
1. Run one lap around the office at top speed
2. Groan out loud in the toilet cubicle (at least one other 'non-player' must be in the toilet at the time).
3. Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you.
4. Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."
5. To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your head.
6. When someone hands you a piece of paper, finger it, and whisper huskily, Mmmmmmm, that feels soooooo good!"
7. Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way".
8. Walk sideways to the photocopier.
9. While riding in a lift, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.

1. Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barrelled fingers.
2. Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask, "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it".
3. Page yourself over the intercom (do not disguise your voice).
4. Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a 'non-player' within sight).
5. Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

1. At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem - (extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).
2. Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10 times.
3. For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob".
4. Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two".
5. After every sentence, say 'mon' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "the report's on your desk, mon". Keep this up for one hour.
6. While an office mate is out, move their chair into the lift.
7. In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, damn it, all of you just shut up!"
8. At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again."
9. In a colleague's diary, write in 10am: "See how I look in tights".
10. Carry your keyboard over to your colleague and ask "You wanna trade?"
11. Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person: Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now".
12. Come to work in army fatigues and when asked why, say, "I can't talk about it".
13. Posing as a maitre d', call a colleague and tell him he's won a lunch for four at a local restaurant. Let him go.
14. Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc) during a very important conference call.
15. Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.
16. Hang a two-foot long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.
17. Present meeting attendees with a cup of coffee and biscuit, smash each biscuit with your fist. 18. During the course of a meeting, slowly edge your chair towards the door.
19. Arrange toy figures on the table to represent each meeting attendee, move them according to the movements of their real-life counterparts.

And if that wasn't enough for you - here are some examples of insane acts you can use anywhere...
1. At lunchtime, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Tell your children over dinner. "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."
3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
4. Put your rubbish bin on your desk and label it "IN."
5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over his or her caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6. In the subject field for all your e-mails, write " FOR SEXUAL FAVOURS".
7. Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy."
8. Don't use any punctuation
9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
10. Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.
11. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
12. Sing along at the opera.
13. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
14. Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.
15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.
16. Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name, Rock Hard.
17. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I Won! I Won! 3rd time this week!!!"
18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling, Run for your lives, they're loose!"

Check this out
Are you a dirty pervert or an innocent little angel?

Only in America...

'San Francisco's Center for Sex and Culture played host on Saturday to the city's annual "Masturbate-a-thon," an event its organizers said could draw up to 120 people from across the United States aiming to have a good time with themselves.
The event was organized to help raise funds for the center, and, according to its organizer, provide an outlet for safe sex for those who enjoy pleasuring themselves in a semi-public setting.
The Saturday night event also had a competitive side.
One New York man arrived shortly after 5 p.m. seeking to break the endurance six-and-a-half hour record set at last year's event. The rules allow for a five-minute break every hour.
The female marathon winner last year, Norine Dworkin, chronicled her experiences in the women's magazine Marie Claire, saying hours later the activity was "about as pleasurable as rubbing an elbow."
This year, others like Tony, who gave only his first name, attended the event to indulge in exhibitionist behavior in front of other people.
"I grew up believing that this is a horrible, nasty thing you shouldn't overdo," said Tony who is from California's Central Valley. "The whole point is coming out and making love to your best friend."'
Interesting, I think Tony needs to make some real friends...

Sunday, May 29, 2005


England is finally getting some sun! After a cool, showery beginning of May,(I could be a weather presenter), we are getting a heatwave! Friday was the hottest day in May for 50 years. It actually hit 31! And didn't we know it. It was sooooo hot. There's me thinking I'm clever for nabbing mum's car for the day,(with air conditioning), and then the damn thing didn't work. I was actually melting! Two hour drive in the car with no air con. Damn it. But its nice to know its going to be a good summer. Even though it means that global warming is kicking in, but on the other hand, nice tan. It's cooled down a bit for the weekend, but still pretty nice. And the rest of summer is supposed to be crazy weather, 100 most days. Not sure how I'll cope with that, if I'm getting hot and sweaty at night I want it to be for a good reason, not cos the weather is hot!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Today I am feeling happier than my last blog. People are still irritating me, although this time it is those awful English tourists who invade Hunstanton like the swarm of ladybirds we had a few years back and who were equally annoying. Driving through town now requires reactions like a Jedi Knight to avoid the idiots who seem to be playing chicken with the cars.

Anyway, I am a lot happier. I went out last night and didn't get too drunk or do anything stupid. I got to watch a fight outside the kebab shop, and I got a lift home from Michaela which meant that I didn't have to walk in my too high shoes. Score.

I had a good day generally yesterday. I had my Friday lunch date with James (old friend from school) and then met up with Leon on the way home. It was kind of cool to say I met two men yesterday, one for lunch, one for dinner, but in reality, neither 'dates' were like that. But it was fun to say.
Anyway, Leon is leaving for Cyprus on Tuesday for 6 months, and I am prety sad about that. Although I am cheered a little by the thought of a free holiday... and the fact he said he would send me presents on a daily basis and find a nice cypriot god like man to send home for me too. But I will miss him loads, although we don't catch up as much as we should, its always nice to know he's nearby. I'll miss ya hun!

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I keep meaning to write this week, but as yet, this is as far as I have got. And it is not going to be the best attemptS. I am feeling really anti-social this week. I think there is a conspiracy to wind me up. I think people are being deliberately annoying. Some people are just so stupid, it really must be an act. Are there really people that dumb? And if so, why are they allowed out without supervision and to places where other people will be.
And, while I am on a rant, why do they put idiots like this on television. We can't escape from them during the day, and now we can't escape from them when we are trying to relax.

I dont like people today.

PS. Speaking of idiots, I hear the Americans have been handing out Viagra free of charge to some of their most dangerous sex offenders. Good idea. I really don't know what else to say about that!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Wonder why Greece won? Maybe we need to look at her competition... Posted by Hello

Hmm,. not so attractive... Posted by Hello

And another odd looking contestant. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Just lie back and think of England

Eurovision fever has hit the country. Well, slight exageration. More like a few loyal fans will be forfitting their Saturday night to watch possibly the worst ever song contest. Which is why we love it. It's so bad that its good. Almost. And lets face it, it's alway funny when the scores come out. Its a perfect forecourt for European countries, or EBU countries,( explaining the presence of a load of counties I've never heard of) to show who they don't like. It isn't even about the songs anymore. The same coutries always vote for each other despite the quality of the song. Cyprus will vote for Greece, Greece will vote for Cyprus, the Baltic countries always vote for each other, the Scandinavian's stick together, and Germany is last, like the fat kid in gym class that nnobody likes.
This year, the UK, Malta and Cyprus exchange goodwill points, while Ireland's eight points to its nearest neighbour saved singer Javine from the 'nul points' shame of last year.
Critics say the competition is marred by tactical voting. Last night saw the last four places go to Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. Wonder why?
Turkey, however, caused the auditorium to erupt when they presented their old adversary Greece with full marks. First time for everything!
And Eurovision wouldn't be Eurovision without Terry Wogan and his commentary. This man takes not taking it seriously, seriously. He spends his time mocking the competition and yet year on year he is again the face of Eurovision. And it really is classic.
'Lie back and think of England.'
'It's a battle between the singing and the hair.'
'I wouldn't suggest you tactically vote... but use your vote wisely.'
'I like the Portugese song - thats the kiss of death of course.'
'Put the kettle on mother, its going to be a long night.'
'There's skin and hair flying in all directions.'
'Does anyone know where Maldova is?'
'I believe you are in league with the butcher.'
'There's a flash of Maltese leg coming up, that I think you'll enjoy.'
'The UK have nil points, send the gun boat.'
'Oh look, its Doctor Death and the Tooth Fairy.'

The songs from Eurovision really are possibly the worst songs you will ever hear. With the worst singers. And they really did excell themselves in cheesy, badly written songs this year. By the way, congratulations Greece.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

goodbye my friend Posted by Hello

RIP hair straightner and car

This week has been a sad week for me. I have had to accept the fact that I have to say goodbye to both my hair straightner and my car. Sigh. The two most important objects in my life and they are both dying. I feel that a visit to the shrink may be required to get over my grief.
My hair straightner has served me well, has made my scraggy mess of hair look sleek and shiny. Now I am torn between buying the same straightner as before or trying soemthing new, which may in fatc be worse or better than my old ones. Do I take the risk. Help. I need advice!
My car however, has sometimes served me well, the rest of the time being a black hole for money and having a second home at the garage. However, I do feel sad it is going. I seem to get very attached to useless pieces of junk...(no jokes about the ex boyfriends.)
Anyway, now I have to find a cheap, but reliable car. I have a very limited budget considering I am in the middle of buying a house. Damn it. Anyone looking to give away a car, please let me know.
RIP car and straightners.

Ode to a wine box

I have been thinking recently about how undervalued a box of wine is. We like to buy bottles and feel classy, which makes us overlook the wine box. Its cheaper, you get more and its always fun to take the bag out of it and squeeze out the last remaining drops, preferably straight into your mouth.
I also have strong feelings about Marmite. I really think it deserves its own food group classification.
Busy getting work done the other day, I found out there is actually a Marmite fan club, that I am proud to say of which I am now a member. They have recipes and write poetry about Marmite. At last I feel like I belong... - give it a try.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday 13th. The day people with Paraskevidekatriaphobia have been dreading since, umm the last one. August last year according to the calendar. Well, rest assured, there isn't another one this year. Why do people fear this date? I heard somewhere that is was something to do with the amount of people at the last supper. Which if I knew anything about religion would make me go. ooohhh. As if it suddenly made sense. But as I dont, I may have to google it to find out more and share it with you.
Things I have found out about Friday 13th.
1. According to Dr. Donald Dossey, a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of phobias and coiner of the term "paraskevidekatriaphobia," the figure may be as high as 21 million Americans suffering from the morbid fear of Friday 13th.
2. It is said: If 13 people sit down to dinner together, all will die within the year. Which I vaguely remember from Harry Potter.
3. Many cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue. Many buildings don't have a 13th floor. We don't have a 13th room or a table 13 in our hotel.
4. If you have 13 letters in your name, you will have the devil's luck (Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all have 13 letters in their names). Luckily mine doesn't.
5. It has been proposed, for example, that fears surrounding the number 13 are as ancient as the act of counting. Primitive man had only his 10 fingers and two feet to represent units, so he could not count higher than 12, according to this explanation. What lay beyond that — 13 — was an impenetrable mystery, hence an object of superstition. Apparently the primitative man did not have toes...
6. The Bible tells us there were exactly 13 present at the Last Supper. One of the dinner guests — er, disciples — betrayed Jesus Christ, setting the stage for the Crucifixion.
Did I mention the Crucifixion took place on a Friday?
7. Ships that set sail on a Friday will have bad luck – as in the tale of H.M.S. Friday ... One hundred years ago, the British government sought to quell once and for all the widespread superstition among seamen that setting sail on Fridays was unlucky. A special ship was commissioned, named "H.M.S. Friday." They laid her keel on a Friday, launched her on a Friday, selected her crew on a Friday and hired a man named Jim Friday to be her captain. To top it off, H.M.S. Friday embarked on her maiden voyage on a Friday, and was never seen or heard from again.
8.Any month with a Friday the 13th must begin with a Sunday the 1st. Curiosity leads one to ask if a significance lies in the observation that only months that begin with the day God decided to rest (Sunday), after "creating the world," yield a day of such supposed demonic evil and misfortune.
9.There are 13 members which make up a Wiccan/Pagan Coven to fully cast the Circle. 13 was sacred because it represented the amount of lunar months in year (Thirteen Full Moons).
10. A TRISKAIDEKAPHOBE is one who fears the number 13.
11. A giant asteroid is to pass perilously close to Earth - on Friday, April 13, 2029. Scientists said asteroid 2004 MN4 will make the closest fly-by of Earth for an object of its size in recorded history.
The asteroid, the size of three football pitches, will pass between the Earth and the Moon, though astronomers say there is little chance of a collision.
It is expected to pass 22,600 miles from Earth and will probably be visible to the naked eye from Britain.
12. Winston Churchill was known to put off travelling by air or road on Friday the 13th.
13. It was discovered in a study published in the British Medical Journal in 1993 concerning Friday the 13th, that the risk of hospital admission as a result of a transport accident may be increased by as much as 52%.

Well, there you go. You learn something new every day.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sunday Sunday

Helloo. I am up and out and about. So I have already surpassed yesterdays effort. Good job. Although after a whole day of lazing about yesterday I did do some laundry, (and managed to shrink dads new jumper. Which is now safely hidden in the bottom of the laundry basket again. The idea being someone else will put it in to wash and then take the blame.) Cunning plan.
Anyway, today I was up early, getting things done, and I feel like I am a little less worthless now.

Tomorrow is back to work. I don't like Sundays. I feel like weekends as a whole are a bit of a let down. You spend all week long waiting for Friday, then Saturday tends to be spent in a hungover daze, and then Sunday is spent preparing for work the next day. I wish weekends were one day longer. That would be cool. Although I can't really guarantee that I would spend that extra day doing something worthwhile. Chances are I would just have an extra day to spend in bed. So maybe its not such a good idea. hmm.

I'm strong to the finish, cos I eats my spinach....

This week work actually became fun. I finally felt like I knew enough to relax and enjoy it rather than dread it. The team I work with is great, apart from that one annoying guy who seems to exist in every office in the world. Think David Brent from the office and you would be getting close.
Anyway, there is this guy from another team in the office, who I have spoken to once or twice and seems ok, apart from being a weight lifting fanatic with a penchant for steroids and a head that now looks too small for his abnormally large chest. (Think Popeye, after the spinach) Anyway, he got hold of my phone number and spends his non gym time texting me. I'll admit the first few cheeky texts were quite funny, but now he is convinced that I like him, and no matter how much I try and tell him otherwise, and don't respond, he doesn't get the message. He is convinced that I like him but I just don't want him to know. Not only that he can't understand why I would not find his masses of muscle attractive. Apparently he knows he 'looks good.' Hmm. Delusional springs to mind...
This isn't too much of a problem yet because I still find it pretty funny, but the slightly surreal thing is that he doesn't talk to me at work. He spends his evenings texting me telling me I can stay over his if I don't want to do the long drive in the morning, or spinning some cheesy line, yet at work he avoids me and gets really embarrassed. Which is kind of weird.
Is this typical male behaviour for someone in his twenties? I mean it would make sense if we were 12 or something, well, maybe without the sexual undertones to the texts, cos that would just be wrong. I just don't understand.
Anyway, I'm off to a tea party, which may sound like I am 12, but I can't wait.

The resemblance is uncanny Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Beyond Words

Today I have surpassed myself in laziness. After waking up with a slight hangover at nine, I had breakfast and then thought I'd go watch TV curled up in bed for a while, until my head felt a little better. Four hours later I wake up, yep 1pm. At this point I start to feel ashamed for wasting the day, but then realise its raining and convince myself it is pointless to get up when the weather is crappy. So I decide to watch more TV. Two hours later I wake up. Yep. I got up at 3 pm today. Not only that, I showered, and then crashed oput of the sofa until 7pm. I haven't even put makeup on, or done my hair, which has kind of dried into a big, frizzy mess that I am now afraid to brush. I plan to leave it till tomorrow and then wash it, and start again. I'll just avoid mirrors until then. It is really worrying just how awful I look without makeup.
Well, back to the confines of the sofa, and lets hope there is something on tv. Might as well finish the day as I started it.
Tomorrow I have big plans of leaving the house so I better get my energy up!

Proud to be English?

This week marked a tragedy for democracy. Not only did a party gain power with only 36% of the country voting for them, but that party was labour. So now we have another four years of rising taxes, a complete disregard for the wishes of the English population and that smarmy smile. What is the country coming to when the primeminister is elected solely by Sun readers, and thats only because they can't think for themselves. And lets face it, these people probably shouldn't be allowed a vote anyway.
So what can we expect in the next few years? Lets hope that now Labour has lost seats that the rest of the government will be able to have some kind of control over Blairs foreign policy. Maybe now he will be more cautious about entering into military operations without the support of Parliament and the population. Maybe now the alliance between Bush and Blair will also weaken. Maybe we will now have a government controlled by Britain rather than a trigger happy, overgrown American monkey man and his puppet.
If Labour had to win them I am at least glad that is is with such a small proportion, and maybe the results of the next election will actually represent what the country wants.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Looking back over the last few blogs I realise that I have become too whiny. I think I am feeling sorry for myself, my lack of decent men, job satisfaction, etc all beginning to make me sound, well loserish. So I make this pledge. I will now aim to be more positive. I may only be making this pledge as I am currently in a good mood, (having made out with an almost midget last night - previous post) so be prepared.

Almost midget

Yesterday as a belated birthday treat, me and Nic went to Newmarket races and then out last night partying with all the wee little people who live in Newmarket. (otherwise known as jockeys). Anyway, racing was good, although slightly marred by me wearing completely inappropriate shoes, and in an act of stupidity, not packing any others, but we had a good time. Highlight of the day was definately Frankie Detorri smiling at me a Nic. Although, rather than looking cool and casual and smiling back we both presumed he was smiling at someone behind us and did a sychonised turn to see who it was. Nope, it was us, and yeah, we looked pretty stupid, and possibly rude as it looked like we both turnmed our backs on him.
Anyway, highlight of the evening. Kate will be jealous. Really jealous. (like to big build up?) I hooked up with a jockey!! yep, a real life almost midget, but without the out of proportion head and stuff! Its like achieving a life ambition! It was the weirdest thing. He was so short. And I kind of had an urge to pat his head like he was a dog or child or something. I did have to concentrate to stop myself talking to him like a little kid though. Although at one point I did say 'you've got a lot of energy for such a little person.' Taken out of context like that it sounds a little dirty, however I was talking about his height and his dancing. Nothing else.
Anyway. I really feel like I achieved something, although is a slightly whoreish way.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Curly Locks

Yesterday, I felt like trying something different, yet my imagination and enthusiasm was running pretty low, so as a compromise I had my hair curly instead of straight. (Yeah, I know, give me a minute and you will see where I am going with this.) Anyway, we went out last night and I had so many compliments. I had random men chatting me up, and not just the usual Hunny sleazes, but nice men. I am not sure whether this was down to the curly hair or whether I was wearing a new foundation -(Maybeline Dream Creme - words cannot explain the genius of this product.) But they were the only different things about me last night, and seeing as there has been a complete drought man wise recently, I am putting my success down to one of these things. Something to think about.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


At work yesterday we had another 'dress down day.' So we all come in wearing jeans and casual clothes and donate some money for a chosen charity. Yeah, sounds good, you're thinking. Well it is, but it just seems to be a very frequent thing. I fully support businesses giving money to charity, but not when the staff have to donate every other week... Deep down I know its a really good thing, and will get you one step further on the getting into Heaven list, but I just don't like giving money away. I know its bad, but I would rather hide in the toilets when they are doing the office collection than donate £1 to a worthwhile cause. Is that wrong? For the Tsunami Appeal I watched in wonder as all these people gave hundreds of pounds each, and I avoided the collection boxes. Although in the end I put 2 pence in one just to ease my conscience and so I could say I had given something. I think I am going to Hell.

St George Posted by Hello


Happy St Georges Day to all you English people. I really felt ashamed that I didn't know much about the Patron Saint of England so I made it my mission to find out some more.
1. St Georges flag is the English Flag.
2. St George was a Roman soldier.
3. But he protested against torturing Christians and then they killed him.
4. He was born in Turkey...hmm..makes sense to have a Turk as the Saint of England...
5. He was brave.
6. We share him with a load of other countries, but they celebrate on different days.
7. He may or may not have slayed a dragon. (which spat poison)
8. He may or may not have rescued a princess by slaying aforementioned dragon.
9. This all happened in Egypt.
10. He killed the dragon by piercing it's wing. It died instantly.

England is famous for a lot of things. Some we are proud of. others not so much.
Tea. The Queen. Fish and Chips. Big Ben. Red buses and phone boxes. Black taxis. The Beatles. Castles. Shakespeare. Rain. English breakfasts. Pubs. Stonehenge. Robin Hood. Cheese. Spice Girls. Beckham. I think it's quite obvious to see the divide between pride and shame.

So, today I am going to celebrate our Roman Soldier, Turkish Saint, who may have killed a dragon, in Egypt. Go England!

My ideal man Posted by Hello

In the mood for a list...

Today I am in the mood for a list. I feel like sharing some things with you that you might not know about me.
1. My ideal man is Kermit the Frog, (although I will not appreciate any Miss Piggy jokes..)
2. I used to own a copy of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini before my taste in music improved slightly.
3. For about 15 years a horse was a the top of my Christmas List.
4. I still write a Christmas List.
5. I don't like having childhood dreams crushed. I like living in a dream world.
6. I used to tell my brother he was adopted.
7. I used to tell my other brother he was a 'mistake.'
8. I am not a very nice sister.
9. My favourite film ever is Mary Poppins
10. I only realised last year that Bert's accent in Mary Poppins wasn't real...
11. I still suck my thumb, resulting in one thumb being smaller than the other due to 23 years of sucking.
12. I hate riding on buses.
13. I think midgets are funny.
14. I absolutely hate men who wee on toilet seats.
15. I still can't work out how smelly people don't realise it's them.
16. I don't know what to say to a parent when confronted with an ugly baby.
17. I don't like cats. I think they are evil. Possibly the satan on the animal kingdom.
18. I don't really like weird people, like retards, although I feel bad about being so intolerant.
19. I kinda want to dress like a princess sometimes. And wear a tiara. And maybe carry a wand.
20. I like lists.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I am possibly the worse person at putting things off until its too late. I don't know why I do this. I don't really enjoy what I am doing instead because there is always a niggling thought in the back of my mind that I should be doing the other thing. I don't even waste time doing worthwhile things instead. I spend my time watching day time TV which shouldn't ever have seen the light of day, or watching a lame movie that I have seen a million times before, or searching for completely random things on the internet. Or just lying there, staring at the walls, anything so I'm not doing what I should be doing. And the stupid thing is that what I should be doing probably isn't really all that bad, it's just because i 'should' be doing it that I don't want to. I would probably find it mildly interesting, yet I put it off. Why do I make life harder for myself?
And when this thing is done, and I should be just enjoying doing nothing, I decide that I need something else to challenge me, so I set myself another target, more work, which I then put off as much as possible until the mere thought of it drives me crazy. Why? I don;t expect anyone else to understand this, because I don't myself. But I just thought it was worth sharing..

Damn Exam

The exam didn't go well at all, to say the least, so for the last few days I have been on a slight bender, to forget about it. At least I have 2 - 3 weeks until the results, which in some ways is good asd I don't have to think about it, and in other ways is bad because it prolongs the agony. But I am pretty sure it will require a resit, so at least I kind of expect the worst, if it comes to that. Oh well! Not the end of the world!
Anyway, apart from that, I have started viewing houses in Peterborough, which is good fun. Being naturally nosey I love the fact that people invite me into their homes and I get to look around at all their stuff. As yet, I am still looking for my dream house though, but enjoying doing it! I can't wait to have my own space again, and actually own it this time, so I can do whatever I want, and not have to worry about a landlord! How cool is that! I am soooo excited!
Nothing else has really happened to me the last few days, that I can remember, (vodka fuelled haze), so this will possibly be one of my boringest blogs. So goodbye.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dreaded Day

Tomorrow the dreaded day arrives, my exam day. By this time tomorrow I will have finished my exam and I have all intentions of being drunk. I haven't even opened a book this morning to revise and I realy really need to. Where the hell has this last month gone??? It seemed like we had such a long time to revise and now it turns out time's up! I am soooo nervous. Keep fingers crossed for me!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I made it back from London in one piece. The days were long, the lectures tedious, and the cyclists were fucking dangerous. But I made it. And I think I have learnt a few things too which fingers crossed will get me through this exam on Wednesday. Today I have been doing my usual thing of pretending it doesn't exist and not doing work. I figure that if I don't think about it then it won't happen. I am sure this isn't the best study method but it stops me from having that nauseous feeling and those sharp stabbing pains in my chest whenever the thought of it comes into my head. I think that the fact my job depends on me passing this exam really isn't helping my nerves. However, I read somewhere that you should be putting in 70 hours study for this exam. I have spent the last month and a bit, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day studying. Well, actually in all reality, I haven't studied 7 hours a day, probably five, and I haven't used my work from home days to study, so make that 4 days a week, but I have definitely passed the 100 hours mark for study, plus I do some at the weekend, therefore I really should have a chance.
I have turned down the opportunity to go for a meal tonight, all paid for, and then drinking after, in one of Hunstanton's 'hot spots,' note the sarcasm, so I can do more revision. However, so far my day has consisted of getting up at 2.30pm. Well I got up at 8.30, had breakfast, then 'napped' until 2.30. I managed to watch American Pie The Wedding, and visit the new baby, yet so far I haven't even opened my books to study. It is now 8.30 and I am planning to have an early night, so in all reality I only have an hour or so of awake time left. I doubt I will be spending this productively. Therefore I hope that an early night tonight will enable me to get up early tomorrow and spend the day studying. Or at least part of it.
I am rambling now, possibily from an excess of nervous energy, so I will continue with my procrastination. Goodnight.

come on Charlie boy, give us a smile Posted by Hello

Old people getting married

I watched the royal wedding today. I wouldn't have thought I would be interested, but there you go. I must say that Camilla looked fabulous. I wouldn't normally consider this woman attractive, at all, actually she looks a bit horselike, but if thats what Charlie boy wants, then good for him. However, today she really did look great. The idiots commentating kept bringing up Diana which I thought was a bit unfair. It's Camilla's wedding day, so why keep going on about the ex wife. She has enough competition from her now she is dead and practially imortalised as a saint. Everyone can compare her to Diana and she can't say anything in her defense because you can't speak ill of the dead. I mean its a shame she died, but she had her faults too. Anyway the past is the past, and its obvious this couple are meant to be with each other. So I just hope everyone will leave them alone now. PS. Its a little disconcerting how much William is looking likehis dad now, not quite so much of a catch as he once was. Hmmm.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


This afternoon I am going to London for the week, not as much fun as it's for work and I will be in seminars all day, but still, it's a change of scenery! It's a revision course for the exam which I take in little over 1 week, yes, that is all the time I have left! I get these weird pangs of panic in my stomach every time I think about it! It was going ok until some bright spark decided to freak me out. 'What will you do if you sit down in the exam and it all goes blank? And you can't remember a thing? And when you get back to work everyone asks you about it all the time...' Yes, thanks James. That really helps.
Anyway, its been a busy week. I've been to see the new baby a lot, she is so cute, a little like a baby monkey, but not in a bad way. And of course, work and studying, so I haven't written much. Sorry. But I will make up for it as soon as I get this exam over with and then I can relax! Woohoo!! Although I'm not sure if you actually want me to write more...but tough.

Madeline Charlotte Collins Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Baby Girl!

I would like to congratulate Rachel and Neil on the birth of their absolutely adorable little daughter, Madeline Charlotte Collins. Yes, Charlotte after me, because I am so great. Yes I am. She was born yesterday at 1.20pm, weighing 7lbs. And she is sooo cute. Although having looked after Isaac all day whilst Rach was in labour, I was a bit disappointed when she bought the baby home and I realised she couldn't really do anything yet. I mean, with Isaac he can play with toys, and run and jump and generally act stupid and its really funny to watch. And he laughs at me too and it's always nice to find someone on my 'level.' Having said that she was only 6 hours old, but still, you kind of forget how boring they are at that age. But what she lacks in fun she makes up for in cuteness.
Shock horror, she has brown hair! Not ginger (or red head for all you dumb Americans)like we all expected but brown. I wasn't quite sure if they bought the correct baby home...but she was tagged with the right name so I guess it was theirs. Almost doesn't seem like Rachel's baby if she isn't ginger.
She was still a bit dopey when I saw her, baby not rach, (rach seemed to have loads of energy, I have never seen someone look so good after giving birth only 6 hours earlier!) But I think Madeline was still in shock. It must be so weird being born. One day you are just sitting there, all comfy, possibly settling down for a nap, and then the next thing you are being pushed through a vagina and all these people you don't know are prodding and poking and staring at you. No wonder they are pretty quiet and docile the first few days, they're in shock!
Anyway, I'm sure she will liven up more than enough soon and they she will be more fun to play with.
Congratulations Neil and Rachel!
(I'll post a picture soon, but I hate this computer and it'll probably explode if I try to do anything different. Stupid Macs..)

Sunday, March 27, 2005


I would like to thank my brother and my dad for infecting me with their lurgie, and at the worst possible time, Easter. So now I can't appreciate the full meaning of this holiday, chocolate, because I am sick. Thank you. I would also like to thank my brother for leaving his shoe on the stairs last night so I fell down them. Yes, once again thank you. I can't sit down. So kind of a crappy easter so far.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fat Kids

There has been so much on the news recently about these obese kids, who eat nothing but junk food, don't exercise and and who can't walk because the sound of their thighs rubbing together hurts their ears. Ok maybe not the last bit, but it really is gross looking at them. Who lets their kids get into that state? These fat people go on chat shows and say they think they are sexy the way they are and why should they change to conform? Firstly, do they not have a mirror? Secondly, they will die! I don't think that we should all stop eating and become anorexic just to look like the impossibly perfect stars and models who are pushed in our faces everytime we open a magazine or turn on the TV. For most people this standard is impossible to acheive without resorting to surgery. But there is nothing wrong with just being healthy. I admit I need to lose weight and exercise more, but I am eating heathily and I do get out and walk a lot and weight is coming off.Its all to do with moderation. Treat yourself every so often, but don't eat McDonalds three times a day! I blame America. I know it is easy to blame them because in all truthfullness they are responsible for most of what is wrong with the world today... but they really have created a huge obesity problem in their own country and now are exporting it world wide. You walk into a Maccy D's in America and there are these hugely fat people ordering supersize triple burger meals. Do these people have no respect for themselves and their health? Not to mention their kids who are all eating the same crap.
However, we need to look closer to home and take some of the blame. Why do parents let their children eat food like sweets and crisps? Quick way to stop the problem...don't buy them! If they aren't sitting in the cupboard, the kids won't ask for them and you won't be tempted to give them any as a treat or to shut them up. It just doesn't make sense to me why parents buy sweets for their children in order to make them behave better or bribe them. Do they not realise that copious amounts of sugar will make them even behave even worse! It seems such a shame when kids as young as one or two are given chocolate and sweets that will be rotting their teeth and creating long term bad habits that will be get harder and harder to break. What is wrong with fruit or vegetables?
I was a fussy eater when I was a child and it is only in the last few years that I have started experimenting and eating vegetables, but I always ate loads of fruit and we never had chocolate or fizzy drinks or crisps when we were young. I remember going to school with a packed lunch and being jealous that all the other children had sweets, chocolates and coke for lunch, and I had brown bread sandwiches and fruit, with low sugar orange squash. But you know what, I am so grateful to my mum for that now.
I am supporting the Feed Me Better Campaign which is collecting signatures for their petition to make school dinners more healthy. They want to ban junk food and make dinners more nutritious. I think that if the kids aren't getting taught healthy eating at home then at least they are given a chance at school, and maybe they can then educate their parents. You can sign this petition and learn more about this here:


Once more my slothfullness (yes, it is a word) has reached new levels, after not writing all week. I could use the excuse of being traumatised by my recent burglary, or that I have been really busy with work, but I am going to give you more credit than that. There is no excuse apart from sheer laziness. Once or twice I have planned blogs in my head on the long journey home from work, but then I get in and decide that it is just too much hassle to turn the computer on and I lose valuable TV time. In my defence the computer is really slow and doesn't seem to like blogger, once or twice deleting whole blogs rather than publishing, but if I was dedicated little things like that shouldn't stop me. So this weekend I have decided to make it up, and I will attempt to post as many blogs as I can create. Obviously trying not to sacrifice quality for quantity, but lets face it, there isn't much quality going on anyway!
This week I have been trying not to freak out about my exam. The work seemed to be getting harder, but on thursday I made a breakthrough. I mastered foreign exchange. I remembered how to work out the eqations and rearrange them, which may sound easy to some people but is a real trial for me. My brain just doesn't work that way. I can master history and english and pretty useless subjects like that, but maths really isn't my strong point! Maybe its because I'm left handed. I'm sure I read somewhere that left handed people are better at that arts rather than the logical subjects. Something to think about...
So work seems to be picking up a bit, things are making that little bit more sense, although I still get that nasty churning feeling in my stomach when I think about sitting the exam and how little time is left to study. I don't think I have ever put this much time and effort into studying for an exam. How the hell did I pass my degree with so little work? Is it down to the fact that my brain is unused to work after spending so long in a job that required very little thinking? Or it is due to me just generally getting dumber? Or is it the subject matter? I am finding that things I thought I had forgotten years ago are still in my brain, they had just been hiding for a while. I found myself thinking in french the other day and being able to form sentances and use words that I had completely forgotten about years ago. I started talking about random dates and facts from American history at the dinner table, and I knew I was right and not just bullshitting like usual. This leads me to think that maybe me studying again is waking up my brain after a year or so of nothing. And this then makes me realise that after I finish this course I really don't want to become stupid again. So maybe I will do some more course. I could brush up on history, and english literature. The idea to do it is all there, but we will see...knowing me I will probably get the brochures, and then put them aside, aiming to do it later, and it will never happen. But at least the thought is there...


There seems to be a bug going round. Dad and Studle have been throwing up for the last couple of days. At first I thought Dad was just drunk, so I bitched about it, and offered no sympathy, but then I realised he was actually ill, which kinda made me feel bad. Still, I was pissed off that when I asked if he was ok, he replied asking if I could get him a glass of water. OK, I felt bad, but I wasn't offering to get him anything, I was just being polite. I really am selfish....
As I write this Studle is making retching noises in the bathroom. I don't know if it is just becuse I can hear this, or if it is because I am catching this, but I do not feel well. My stomach is churning and I am hot and cold. Please don't let me catch this. I can give a man a run for the money when it comes to overeacting to being ill. I have big plans for studying this weekend, and I really do not need them messed up by being sick!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Scum of the Earth

Two nights ago I had this horrible dream where my car was broken in to. Glass was everywhere and my stereo and cds were stolen. Ironically this morning that nightmare came true. Some scum of the earth decided to pick my car to burgle last night. Not only that but they had the cheek to do this right under my bedroom window, which was open, and yet I didn't hear anything. Two doors along, same thing. They picked the two oldest cars on our street and smashed them up, and stole stereos. Fuckers. What kind of person can do this. The worst thing is that living in such a small town, chances are I probably know these people and they are laughing at me behind my back. Never before have I been more convinced that corporal punishment is the way forward. Try stealing with one hand. Not so easy huh? Although in my opinion, I'd like their testicles cut off.
How can people like that live with themselves. I have to take a day off work, clear up broken glass, contact the insurance and police, and to tell the truth I am feeling really shaken up. And these people are getting off scott free with the money to fund their drug habit no doubt.
As usual the police were SO much help. Wait, scratch that, maybe not. They won't even come round to look at the car or take fingerprints. All they said was to take a crime number and claim off insurance. Yeah, so helpful. I'll get on to that while these scum are still roaming the streets with no chance of being caught. The police are so busy stopping motorists for speeding or for talking on their mobile phones that they don't have time to investigate actual crimes. Keep up the good job guys! I'm really really impressed. (Note sarcasm)
So, my car can't be fixed until tomorrow, the window is all smashed, and it has to sit outside my house again tonight. Fab! Maybe the scum will come back and finish the job and steal the car! It's not like they will be caught or punished, so why not!
So back to clearing the glass off the road and out of my car. Fantastic.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sooooo boring

I am being bitched at by Michaela to go out tonight. I know I am being lame and boring by not going out, but I'm just not feeling the going out vibe at the moment. All day I have been back and forth contemplating it, one minute I will think, yeah, ok, I'll go, the next, I am remembering just how crappy the bars and majority of the people in Hunstanton are and I change my mind. I think I am giving this way too much consideration. I know I should go because I haven't seen anyone recently. I work, come home, sleep and that is pretty much my whole week. Apart from Thurdays, when I have Beavers. Yes, I am a BEAVER leader. And yes, I have heard all the usual shitty jokes. Its been 7 years now, seriously, its getting old! Anyway, back to the problem. I could go out, see some people, go to a scanky bar, get wasted and then feel rough all day tomorrow. But at least I would have done something with my evening. I watched part of a terrible movie today about some girl dying of cancer, and it kind of made me think, I should make the most of things. But then I got bored of that thought and turned over to watch You've Been Framed instead. You just can't beat watching bad things happen other people. Never fails to cheer me up!
So I am still undecided about tonight. Chances are I will dither on and on, and then the evening will be over anyway. But at least I know I will get stuff done tomorrow rather than spend the day nursing a hangover. And tomorrow I have big plans! Studying, taking Isaac to Sandringham for a walk, yes, two things in one day! Wow, I really have ambition!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Thank God It's Friday

This week has been HELL. I am so glad its friday and there is NO work tomorrow. No getting up at some god awful hour and no 2 hour drive to work. I am going to sleep in for as long as possible.
My computer has packed up again, all together now. awww.. So I am using my borthers computer to write this, and it takes forever to open each page, yes I've found a computer worse than mine! So I won't be writing much today partly because of that but mostly because the Simpsons has just started. And lets face it, the Simpsons rule.
Well it's 9pm and I'm going to bed with the Simpsons. Yes, I suck. This job has ruined my social life. Goodnight

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Nice work if you can get it

Work is kind of a breeze at the moment. We have a hell of a lot of studying to do but we don't have to do any real work yet. Which is nice. And it's also kind of cool that we have a real laugh doing it. James and I make the worst study partners. It all started out so well, we didn't really know each other so we were both polite and relatively quiet and just got on with our work. Two weeks later and we end up spending the day having the most random conversations about anything and everything. It's nice that I have got to know people on my 'team' quite well but its also a nightmare for getting work done. Todays topics for conversation were; water and surface tension, graveyards, the best way to die and magpies. We have adopted the superstition about seeing two magpies and being a sign of good luck, but seeing one is a bad omen. I think there is something in this. I saw one on the way to work, was looking out so hard for the second that I nearly crashed, which would have been ironic, and then my stupid car broke down twice! All before 8am. Damn. However, this afternoon I saw two and then my car made it home without a problem! Freaky huh?
Anyway, back to the work issue. I still have a month until my exam but it is all so overwhelming. Wait, a month today! I HATE FINANCIAL MATHS and STUPID FORMULAS. I really don't understand anything about maths in the slightest. This morning I was starting to panic about this. I have even been waking up at night having been dreaming about the formula for compound interest. Big relief when I was told it wasn't a huge part of the exam. However, I still think they might not realise just how worthless I am with this subject. And because I am worrying about this I am avoiding doing any maths like the plague. BTW. Is it true you could catch the plague from the handrails on the underground? I'm sure I read this somewhere, and I need to settle an argument. I don't think I dreamt it....