Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I've finally got the computer up and running, although it's the old, slow, huge computer so it's a little bit tempremental.

The lodger is still here, making my life misery. Although he has finally started to wash, so the smell isn't quite as bad as before. And as long as I hide all my mail, it means he can't read it. The things you put up with when it comes to paying your mortgage!

I have a slipped disc again and have a huge amount of medication to help with the pain, which has the effect of making me feel really, really high all day. It was the strangest thing being at work and feeling soo high. I dread to think what I was saying to my customers! I've come down a little from it now and the room isn't spinning quite so much, so I can string together a sentence now.

I'm investing in a new computer over the next few weeks so I will be able to use the internet again more! Yay! My SIMS addiction has been replaced with a Facebook addiction so I'm, not sure if that's good or bad.... On that subject, I can't believe someone used the phrase 'You went into finance too! Awesome!' on my facebook wall. Who gets that excited about finance?

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