Sunday, April 24, 2005

Curly Locks

Yesterday, I felt like trying something different, yet my imagination and enthusiasm was running pretty low, so as a compromise I had my hair curly instead of straight. (Yeah, I know, give me a minute and you will see where I am going with this.) Anyway, we went out last night and I had so many compliments. I had random men chatting me up, and not just the usual Hunny sleazes, but nice men. I am not sure whether this was down to the curly hair or whether I was wearing a new foundation -(Maybeline Dream Creme - words cannot explain the genius of this product.) But they were the only different things about me last night, and seeing as there has been a complete drought man wise recently, I am putting my success down to one of these things. Something to think about.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


At work yesterday we had another 'dress down day.' So we all come in wearing jeans and casual clothes and donate some money for a chosen charity. Yeah, sounds good, you're thinking. Well it is, but it just seems to be a very frequent thing. I fully support businesses giving money to charity, but not when the staff have to donate every other week... Deep down I know its a really good thing, and will get you one step further on the getting into Heaven list, but I just don't like giving money away. I know its bad, but I would rather hide in the toilets when they are doing the office collection than donate £1 to a worthwhile cause. Is that wrong? For the Tsunami Appeal I watched in wonder as all these people gave hundreds of pounds each, and I avoided the collection boxes. Although in the end I put 2 pence in one just to ease my conscience and so I could say I had given something. I think I am going to Hell.

St George Posted by Hello


Happy St Georges Day to all you English people. I really felt ashamed that I didn't know much about the Patron Saint of England so I made it my mission to find out some more.
1. St Georges flag is the English Flag.
2. St George was a Roman soldier.
3. But he protested against torturing Christians and then they killed him.
4. He was born in Turkey...hmm..makes sense to have a Turk as the Saint of England...
5. He was brave.
6. We share him with a load of other countries, but they celebrate on different days.
7. He may or may not have slayed a dragon. (which spat poison)
8. He may or may not have rescued a princess by slaying aforementioned dragon.
9. This all happened in Egypt.
10. He killed the dragon by piercing it's wing. It died instantly.

England is famous for a lot of things. Some we are proud of. others not so much.
Tea. The Queen. Fish and Chips. Big Ben. Red buses and phone boxes. Black taxis. The Beatles. Castles. Shakespeare. Rain. English breakfasts. Pubs. Stonehenge. Robin Hood. Cheese. Spice Girls. Beckham. I think it's quite obvious to see the divide between pride and shame.

So, today I am going to celebrate our Roman Soldier, Turkish Saint, who may have killed a dragon, in Egypt. Go England!

My ideal man Posted by Hello

In the mood for a list...

Today I am in the mood for a list. I feel like sharing some things with you that you might not know about me.
1. My ideal man is Kermit the Frog, (although I will not appreciate any Miss Piggy jokes..)
2. I used to own a copy of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini before my taste in music improved slightly.
3. For about 15 years a horse was a the top of my Christmas List.
4. I still write a Christmas List.
5. I don't like having childhood dreams crushed. I like living in a dream world.
6. I used to tell my brother he was adopted.
7. I used to tell my other brother he was a 'mistake.'
8. I am not a very nice sister.
9. My favourite film ever is Mary Poppins
10. I only realised last year that Bert's accent in Mary Poppins wasn't real...
11. I still suck my thumb, resulting in one thumb being smaller than the other due to 23 years of sucking.
12. I hate riding on buses.
13. I think midgets are funny.
14. I absolutely hate men who wee on toilet seats.
15. I still can't work out how smelly people don't realise it's them.
16. I don't know what to say to a parent when confronted with an ugly baby.
17. I don't like cats. I think they are evil. Possibly the satan on the animal kingdom.
18. I don't really like weird people, like retards, although I feel bad about being so intolerant.
19. I kinda want to dress like a princess sometimes. And wear a tiara. And maybe carry a wand.
20. I like lists.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I am possibly the worse person at putting things off until its too late. I don't know why I do this. I don't really enjoy what I am doing instead because there is always a niggling thought in the back of my mind that I should be doing the other thing. I don't even waste time doing worthwhile things instead. I spend my time watching day time TV which shouldn't ever have seen the light of day, or watching a lame movie that I have seen a million times before, or searching for completely random things on the internet. Or just lying there, staring at the walls, anything so I'm not doing what I should be doing. And the stupid thing is that what I should be doing probably isn't really all that bad, it's just because i 'should' be doing it that I don't want to. I would probably find it mildly interesting, yet I put it off. Why do I make life harder for myself?
And when this thing is done, and I should be just enjoying doing nothing, I decide that I need something else to challenge me, so I set myself another target, more work, which I then put off as much as possible until the mere thought of it drives me crazy. Why? I don;t expect anyone else to understand this, because I don't myself. But I just thought it was worth sharing..

Damn Exam

The exam didn't go well at all, to say the least, so for the last few days I have been on a slight bender, to forget about it. At least I have 2 - 3 weeks until the results, which in some ways is good asd I don't have to think about it, and in other ways is bad because it prolongs the agony. But I am pretty sure it will require a resit, so at least I kind of expect the worst, if it comes to that. Oh well! Not the end of the world!
Anyway, apart from that, I have started viewing houses in Peterborough, which is good fun. Being naturally nosey I love the fact that people invite me into their homes and I get to look around at all their stuff. As yet, I am still looking for my dream house though, but enjoying doing it! I can't wait to have my own space again, and actually own it this time, so I can do whatever I want, and not have to worry about a landlord! How cool is that! I am soooo excited!
Nothing else has really happened to me the last few days, that I can remember, (vodka fuelled haze), so this will possibly be one of my boringest blogs. So goodbye.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dreaded Day

Tomorrow the dreaded day arrives, my exam day. By this time tomorrow I will have finished my exam and I have all intentions of being drunk. I haven't even opened a book this morning to revise and I realy really need to. Where the hell has this last month gone??? It seemed like we had such a long time to revise and now it turns out time's up! I am soooo nervous. Keep fingers crossed for me!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I made it back from London in one piece. The days were long, the lectures tedious, and the cyclists were fucking dangerous. But I made it. And I think I have learnt a few things too which fingers crossed will get me through this exam on Wednesday. Today I have been doing my usual thing of pretending it doesn't exist and not doing work. I figure that if I don't think about it then it won't happen. I am sure this isn't the best study method but it stops me from having that nauseous feeling and those sharp stabbing pains in my chest whenever the thought of it comes into my head. I think that the fact my job depends on me passing this exam really isn't helping my nerves. However, I read somewhere that you should be putting in 70 hours study for this exam. I have spent the last month and a bit, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day studying. Well, actually in all reality, I haven't studied 7 hours a day, probably five, and I haven't used my work from home days to study, so make that 4 days a week, but I have definitely passed the 100 hours mark for study, plus I do some at the weekend, therefore I really should have a chance.
I have turned down the opportunity to go for a meal tonight, all paid for, and then drinking after, in one of Hunstanton's 'hot spots,' note the sarcasm, so I can do more revision. However, so far my day has consisted of getting up at 2.30pm. Well I got up at 8.30, had breakfast, then 'napped' until 2.30. I managed to watch American Pie The Wedding, and visit the new baby, yet so far I haven't even opened my books to study. It is now 8.30 and I am planning to have an early night, so in all reality I only have an hour or so of awake time left. I doubt I will be spending this productively. Therefore I hope that an early night tonight will enable me to get up early tomorrow and spend the day studying. Or at least part of it.
I am rambling now, possibily from an excess of nervous energy, so I will continue with my procrastination. Goodnight.

come on Charlie boy, give us a smile Posted by Hello

Old people getting married

I watched the royal wedding today. I wouldn't have thought I would be interested, but there you go. I must say that Camilla looked fabulous. I wouldn't normally consider this woman attractive, at all, actually she looks a bit horselike, but if thats what Charlie boy wants, then good for him. However, today she really did look great. The idiots commentating kept bringing up Diana which I thought was a bit unfair. It's Camilla's wedding day, so why keep going on about the ex wife. She has enough competition from her now she is dead and practially imortalised as a saint. Everyone can compare her to Diana and she can't say anything in her defense because you can't speak ill of the dead. I mean its a shame she died, but she had her faults too. Anyway the past is the past, and its obvious this couple are meant to be with each other. So I just hope everyone will leave them alone now. PS. Its a little disconcerting how much William is looking likehis dad now, not quite so much of a catch as he once was. Hmmm.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


This afternoon I am going to London for the week, not as much fun as it's for work and I will be in seminars all day, but still, it's a change of scenery! It's a revision course for the exam which I take in little over 1 week, yes, that is all the time I have left! I get these weird pangs of panic in my stomach every time I think about it! It was going ok until some bright spark decided to freak me out. 'What will you do if you sit down in the exam and it all goes blank? And you can't remember a thing? And when you get back to work everyone asks you about it all the time...' Yes, thanks James. That really helps.
Anyway, its been a busy week. I've been to see the new baby a lot, she is so cute, a little like a baby monkey, but not in a bad way. And of course, work and studying, so I haven't written much. Sorry. But I will make up for it as soon as I get this exam over with and then I can relax! Woohoo!! Although I'm not sure if you actually want me to write more...but tough.

Madeline Charlotte Collins Posted by Hello