Sunday, April 03, 2005


This afternoon I am going to London for the week, not as much fun as it's for work and I will be in seminars all day, but still, it's a change of scenery! It's a revision course for the exam which I take in little over 1 week, yes, that is all the time I have left! I get these weird pangs of panic in my stomach every time I think about it! It was going ok until some bright spark decided to freak me out. 'What will you do if you sit down in the exam and it all goes blank? And you can't remember a thing? And when you get back to work everyone asks you about it all the time...' Yes, thanks James. That really helps.
Anyway, its been a busy week. I've been to see the new baby a lot, she is so cute, a little like a baby monkey, but not in a bad way. And of course, work and studying, so I haven't written much. Sorry. But I will make up for it as soon as I get this exam over with and then I can relax! Woohoo!! Although I'm not sure if you actually want me to write more...but tough.

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