Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy busy

It's been a hectic few weeks, but in good ways. I'm going to the Isle of Man next week with work. Yes, some people get to go to New York, Europe, hawaii, I get the Isle of Man.. In preparation I am trying to find out what there is to do there, seeing as it's such a small place. Apparently there's a museum which gives a demonstration of curing Kippers on Oak Chips. This is going to be a FUN week.

I went to London yesterday to do some shopping and be in the audience of Clive Anderson's Chat Room, which was fun. Only blip of the day was the continual calls from work. Apparently 'day off' doesn't apply if you work for Barclays. This meant that I had to spend an hour of my time wondering London to try and find a fax machine so they could fax my my work permit to sign for next week. Apparently they didn't think of it on Tuesday, when I was in the office all day. Muppets. So the shopping trip consisted of three shops as we ran out of time. There is a learning point for this though, I am never going to answer my phone when work calls EVER again.

I did get to go into Primark in Oxford Street. One word, amazing. It was ridiculously busy, but I'll put up with that for those prices. I bought a pair of shoes, two handbags, sunglasses, a kimono dressing gown, and trousers for £20. I'm so cheap..

1 comment:

peachy said...

Primark Oxford st is good.