Thursday, July 19, 2007

I AM alive!

I figured it was time to post, as it was a month today since I last posted. I suck.

First things first, brother number two passed his driving test today, which I'm happy about, but kind of worried that he might crash as well. I think the overprotective older sister thing is kicking in.

I mean to put the holiday pictures up, but the computer is still broken, despite having tkaen it to be fixed....he somehow managed to break something else at the same time so I'm kind of mad about it.

Delphine moves out tomorrow which I'm sad about, so now I have the task of finding a new roomate. Urgh.

Its Harry Potter this weekend which I am soooo excited about. I've had this weekend planned since February when I pre-ordered the book. So just a warning - do not disturb me this weekend. At all.

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