Saturday, August 20, 2005

Scary stuff

Today I took out home and contents insurance. Which is scary because it confirms the fact that as from Thursday I will be a home owner. With a mortgage. And responsibilities. Wow. Not bad for someone who has a mental capability of a 5 year old...
Up until now I have kind of put this thought out of my head. After months of arguing with the mortgage company I'd almost convinced myself that it would never happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up. But now it's happening. And thats scary.
However, I do like the idea of being insured. Now even if I do something stupid and damage my house I don't have to pay for it. I can put my foot through the ceiling and its ok. Not that i'm planning to.
I think I am feeling like a grown up. But at the same time I am feeling pretty sick, which I don't think is because I have a hangover, but because I'm scared. Really petrified. But happy too. I think that after 6 months of living at home I'm finding it hard to step out of that protective bubble and go into the big wide scary world. I will have to buy my own food again. And pay bills. And other scary grown up things. But I will have my own house which is pretty cool.

House warming presents are welcome.

1 comment:

lo said...

I'd like to see you "put your foot through the ceiling" - I think that'd be quite impressive to watch. Anyway, congrats on being a big kid. Wow.