Saturday, September 24, 2005

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells....

I feel cut off from the real world at the moment. The only news I read is financially related which means that unless some major world disaster affects the stock markets, I don't know about it. Which is kind of sad. So today I have spent the afternoon at 'work' at the hotel. Work has been done, but so has surfing the web. I have caught up on the so intellectual entertainment news, a little bit of world news, and learnt that an Australian had a run in with a shark posing as a seal

Anyway, work at the hotel has been fun. In between emails/news/emails/shopping/emails and on, I have managed to organise our Christmas Fayre and get all the invites out, which is a big job out the way. Which makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. But also a little tired.

I'm not sure of what to do tonight. I could: A. Go out, get wasted, not get chatted up and come home feeling like a troll. B. Stay in and get up early and do things tomorrow.

I can't get drunk without my brain linking it in someway to men.

Anyway, the rambling has started. And I DO want a drink. So maybe I will go out.

Todays Tops Tips

Chlamidia is not a Flower

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