Saturday, May 06, 2006

I win, I win

Mum has given me a trip for two to Amsterdam which she won but hasn't got time to use. Which is amazing. So I am going in 3 weeks! So tonight I have been looking up all the details about Amsterdam on the internet. I've been before but memories are a little blurry. I know I got drunk, stoned and then lost for three hours. It was a fantastic time but I'm looking forward to doing the more grown up version of Amsterdam this time!

I went out to do the garden today, aiming to mow the lawn, but it was so long that I ended up taking a strimmer to it! I have big plans to mow it tomorrow. And paint the fence. Big plans.

In my effort to save money I have cut down the going out, which means it's a Saturday night and I'm trying to find something decent on the TV. I'm failing miserably. Which means I now have to peruse the DVD collection and try and find something I haven't watched a million times.
Oh my God! I just remembered! I have Mario Kart! I completely forgot I had that! Fantastic. The night just got better.

1 comment:

continuitygirl said...

Have fun in Amsterdam, my mum and stepdad have just got back from there, mum got a very expensive pair of diamond earrings, I'm a little jealous and when I next go home I intend to try them on.