Thursday, July 06, 2006

National Kissing Day

Apparently today is National Kissing Day, so I hope you have all done your fair share to celebrate the day.

Interesting facts about kissing:

Kissing for 1 minute can burn off 26 calories.

Kissing can help alliviate headaches, rashes and skin blemishes.

The average person spends 336 hours kissing in a lifetime.

You learn something new every day!


Anonymous said...

26 calories!!!!! Thats amazing.... Now I know why they say it's best to exercise with a someone else........ Time to find an exercise partner, I guess! ha ha

spagbals said...

i think thats bullshit, being that it takes three times as much time doing moderate to heavy cardio to burn that off. i dont know what kind of kissing you're doing, but i for one feel dirty.

Charlotte said...

I know what I'd rather believe. You get back to the gym and I'll try the kissing method.