Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sleep is good...

I finally got home. It's been a long day and I've been awake for more hours than any person should be. I just want to sleep for days but as I don't have days off EVER anymore, thats not going to happen. I actually don't know when I'm having a day where I don't have to go to either of my jobs, which is just so disenheartening that I just want to curl up and die. Ok, not actually die, but you get my point. I've kind of still got this pissed off/weird mood thing going on from yesterday, so sorry for the moan.

On the upside, my Tesco Club Card vouchers arrived today, which means I can eat tomorrow! I don't think I've ever been so excited about food shopping. I've actually cleared out most of my freezer this week, trying to make meals from old, random food that I've chosen not to eat before for various reasons. It's kind of good though because the freezer needs de-frosting soon. I may have left the door open when I was away last weekend which means that its all icy now.

Time for sleep.

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