Monday, February 20, 2006

I AM a star

Turns out Nicola's mum has been thinking about intermingling our families. Apparently she is having my dad, or my younger brother, my nan and nics dad will get together, Nic can have my other brother, and my aunt and Nic's step dad can get together. Somehow nobody is with me, which makes me sad but also a bit relieved... I'm a bit worried that she's put so much thought into this. And I'm pretty sure that I DON'T want Nic as my step sister/step aunt/sister in law.

Anyway, today I went to my slimming class and was given a certificate for Slimmer of a week, and 2, yes 2, stickers, the other for reaching a half stone loss. Wow, I am a star. And people clapped for me and I felt important.

What else, I have the rest of the week off work, which is fantastic. Its ALL good.

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