Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Good Ole Days

For some reason my space bar has stopped working for some random reason today,so I apologise if some words are alljoinedtogether. Just like that. Wait, I think there might be food underneath it. Yep, all gone now. Anyway...

I got a comment on My Space today from Molly, and it reminded me of all the good, and by good, I mean drunken days from Union. Stacy with the pumpkin on her head, the Frat parties, drunken Losure, Molly and I sitting in the hall finishing all the leftover alcohol from Losures room at the end of term, running through the sprinklers. I'm trying to find the picture of Stacy with the pumpkin, but that might have to wait, because walking upstairs seems like a bit effort right now.

I am sooo full, my stomach isn't sure what's hit it. It's Pancake day, which I think might have some kind of religious reason behind it. Maybe Jesus ate pancakes today or something. Anyway, it means I get to eat pancakes, sprinkled with sugar and lemon, They are amazing. There's nothing better than batter and sugar. ahhh.

I was driving along the motorway today and all the lights came on as I drove down it. It was awesome. It made me feel like they went on just for me. Cos I'm special.

Time to lie down and recover from pancakes.

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