Monday, March 27, 2006

A little rant, well more of a pissed off rambling.

Today I am not liking the clocks changing. I know they changed yesterday, but as it was Sunday yesterday I didn't feel the effects till this morning. I'm pretty sure that helped to contribute to the fact that felt crappy and called in sick at work. (I'm feeling a bit better now but I'm too scared to leave the house in case they have someone spying on me, and think i'm faking. I have this whole guilt complex about not being at work when I should. )

Anyway, the clocks went forward, which I'm pretty sure means that the East coast USA is now 6 hours behind instead of the usual 5, well, for a week anyway. And I feel like somebody just took time away. I feel cheated that an hour of my Sunday was stolen. And it was Mother's day, so Mums all across the UK had an hour, of the one day a year dedicated to them, disappear. It's not right.


Stacy said...

woah woah woah. so your daylight savings time begins a week early (which i don't understand how you can whine so much since i figured you'd like that it stays light out later now), and you have mother's day in march, AND you call it "aluminium"????? this is all just too much to take.

Charlotte said...

Americans CANNOT comment English accents. It was our language first. You're all too stupid to make up your own, you just stole ours, and couldn't even get that right....Stupid Americans...

Stacy said...

I like to think that we improved it. Though in general I enjoy your accent...but it's "no," not that weird "noooorrrrr."