Wednesday, June 28, 2006


The last few days have passed in a tired/grumpy/sleep-deprived haze. And tomorrow I have the pleasure of getting up at 5.30 and driving all the way to Kent with the office version of Mr Burns. Ah joy!

The car has come home which is good, and it's no longer leaking petrol which is also good. At least I know I'm not going to blow up when I'm driving.

Now I need to sleep

Monday, June 26, 2006

Good things don't always come in small packages

I think I might ask this guy to do the entertainment for my bi-annual birthday.

Thanks Dan for the picture, although it's a little worrying that you have this picture on your computer...

My car doesn't 'put the fun back into driving..'

So I fill up my car with £40 of petrol, drive home, then realise that it's leaking petrol all over the road. Well, not all over the road, but in puddles under the car. And my precious petrol is slowly leaking away..all that money. So I'm kind of leaving the car outside the house until tomorrow to see if the problem will just go away, and if not then I have to go and find a garage that won't rip me off too much. So that'll be fun.. I just hope the car doesn't blow up overnight.

Anyone a mechanic?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Because you're worth it

I have achieved so much today. It's been one of the most productive days in a while. The garden is looking better, but still lots to do. I also bought a digging spade. I like that word. I like the way it runs of the tongue. digging spade. It sounds better when you say it in a Norfolk accent. On the downside, I have blisters on the palm of my hand from the lawnmower which isn't fun.

I also fitted the seat belt adjuster to my car seat belt, which turned out to be pretty useless. I was hoping it would stop it cutting into my neck, but no. I don't get it. There are so many people who are shorter than me, like midgets. They're shorter than me. How do they cope with seatbelts?

I'm off to use my diggin' spade.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I hate idiots

This story made me mad!!! crap
The local paper published this about our hotel. Eighteen rooms is hardly going to be a huge development! And as for taking over their local carpark, they seem to forget that it's our carpark, for hotel residents. And most of what she's saying is incorrect anyway. Oh my God, I hate people like that.

Anyway, rant over, today was productive sleep wise, and shopping wise and maybe a little house wise. But tomorrow I have to venture outside to the jungle formally known as my garden, and dig up things, which i hate doing. Anyone fancy coming over and helping me?? Please. There may be beer involved.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Crazy Wife Swop Lady

At last, Friday

Firstly thank you Stacy for the song. cubicle song. I might not have you singing You're Beautiful to me anymore, but at this is the next best thing, and so appropriate.

Secondly, tonight I have had a little sweat shop thing going on in my front room. Yes, carnival preperations are underway and I made hundreds of lanterns tonight. It's amazing what you can do with toilet rolls.

Thirdly, I am tired today, and pretty grumpy. But now I'm too tired to sleep. But its payday and the weekend. Which means lots of sleep tonight and shopping tomorrow! Which makes me feel warm and nice inside.

Random Quiz

I started to fill this out, realised it was boring, but then had done just a bit too much of it to give up. Sorry.

1. Do you still talk with the first person you kissed?
I haven't seen him in probably ten years!
2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
3. Are you obsessed with someone?
It was Grant Mitchell for a while, but it changes daily.
4. What is the best thing about your job?
Leaving on a Friday night
5. Do you like more than one person right now?
Right now I don't like anybody, but I'm in a bad mood today.
7. Did you get any compliments today?
Yes, someone told me they hope I won't die over the weekend.
8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Hopefully somewhere hot!
9. When was the last time you kissed someone?
Last week
10. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
Mostly girls but I tend to get on better with guys.
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
YES!! I love IKEA.
13. If you could have one super power what would it be??
I like the way Sabrina the Teenage Witch can change her image by snapping here fingers. I think thats a pretty cool super power. That or flying or something.
14. Where have you lived most of your life?
Hunstanton, Norfolk
15. Why is the sky blue?
It reflects the sea.
16. Where do you see yourself in 4 years?
Maybe with a steady job and nice house.
17. What's your favorite smell?
Coffee when you first open the jar. Or men's aftershave.
18. What is your least favorite sound?
Children's tantrums.
9. Are you moody?
Yes, when I'm tired. or hungry, or just not getting my own way...
20. Favorite movie of all time?
Mary Poppins
21. Have you ever done anything hurtful to a classmate?Yeah, probably.
22. Have you ever gone to therapy?
23. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
24. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
25. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
oh yes....
26. Have you ever gone camping?
Yeah, it was fantastic
27. Have you ever had a crush on your Sibling's friend?
Yeah...although I would like to point out it was one of Alistair's friends, not Stuarts .I don;t like them that young..
28. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?
Yeah, but I was lost, and a littel scared.
29. Have you ever gone streaking?
No, probably the one thing I didn't do at Union was the Naked Nott Run.
30. Have you ever had a stalker?
31. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
33. Have you ever gone to a party?
Yeah, who hasn't?
34. Have you ever been in love?
35. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?
Yes, but I probably deserved it.
36. Have you ever lied to your parents?
37. Have you ever been out of the UK?
38. Have you ever thrown up from working out?nope
39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day?
Possibly, when I was travelling
41. Last song you listened to?
The Kooks, She moves in her own way
42. Are you a jealous person?
It's been known...
43. Have you ever spied on someone?
44. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers?Um. maybe.
45. Who was the last person who called you?
My Mum
46. When was the last time you slept for 12 hours straight?
Hopefully tonight
47. Have you ever been cheated on by someone?
48. Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes, I stole a penny sweet when I was 4, but Mum made me go back and apologise.
49. Have you ever consumed egg nog?
50. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
Resting on a beach.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Discovering hidden talents

I have been sooo productive tonight, which is a good thing because I was pathetically lazy last night. I also realised that I might be something of a creative genius. I really think this dragon is pretty fantastic and I did it all by myself in one night!! My carnival float is going to win this year!!

Today was also my lucky day. I realized that I didn't have enough money to pay for parking today, and I was beginning to panic, but then I found a £1 in the bottom of my bag. I remember the days where finding a £10 in my bag was great, now I get as excited over a £1 coin, which is pretty sad.

I am now off to create another masterpiece. By the way, if anyone has a Chinese dress I could borrow for the Carnival that would be fantastic.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Extreme boredom is the mood of the night. It's not so much that I don't have anything to do but its more that I just can't be bothered. So it's really my own fault. I had intentions of returning phone calls tonight but it just seems like too much effort.

Note: Playing Shocking Roulette by yourself isn't as much fun as you'd think..

Half Yearly Birthday Announcement

I feel that I should be watching the football and getting into the spirit of things, but as much as I've tried, I just can't. I like the whole country coming together and the patriotic thing, but its just overkill at the moment. And those flags on the cars just look ridiculous and American, and lets face it, we're better than that...I admit to a certain sense of satisfaction when I see them lying on the floor after flying off a car. It's especially nice when I drive over them in my car.

Random sackings and 'reorganisation' is still going on at work which is always nice, and I thought it was prett appropriate that I found this news story. santa

I'm in a restless/unsettled mood tonight. I want to do something but I don't know what. I think I just have too much on my mind at the moment. And alcohol isn't appealing at the moment which is my usual calming method, so I don't know what to do. The DVD collection isn't doing anything for me either. Oh what to do.

I've been thinking about having a second birthday each year in the summer, so I get the chance to have a hot birthday. So I would like to make an announcement, my half yearly birthday will take place on the 20th July. I think this should be treated as if it was a proper birthday, so presents and maybe a cake would be acceptable.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm surrounded by liars, everywhere I turn..

I'm going through a bit of a job crisis tonight. I feel like I should have this great career and be earning loads of money, but I'm not. And at what point does a job turn into a career? I know that the mediocre job I have now is just a job. I know I don't want to be doing this forever. And then I think at this stage of my life I should be in the job I really want to be doing and working my way up. The real problem lies with the fact that I don't actually know what I want to do. Nothing really appeals to me. And I am on such a sugar high that none of this actually makes sense. It's just rambling drivel. Sorry.

Chocolate pudding from a can is so good but makes me feel so sick...

However, on the upside I've just bought a huge, and by huge I mean 8 foot diameter paddling pool/swimming pool for my garden, which is pretty awesome. Yes, it probably will be one of those things I end up shoving in the shed and never using, but I love the thought of it. Cocktails and sitting in a pool in the summer. Fantastic.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Grad school killed

It's nearly time to go back to work. Urgh. Although I had a busy and fun week, it does seem like it flew past way too quickly.

Last night I went to Yorkshire to go to a party at my aunts house. It was fun although I was probably the youngest person there, (majority were over 60). My Aunt did the usual matchmaking thing with some work colleague of hers. He was nice, despite the goofy teeth and the stutter. But 'nice' isn't really what I look for, neither are his other assets. Try already in a relationship, or not looking for a relationship, or liar, take your pick. Basically a challenge. I don't make things easy for myself....But the party was fun, and there were 8 different dessert choices, which was amazing. I did try most of them.

I've just realised that I left all my trousers for work in Hunstanton, (I took them home to do laundry). Damn it. I'm going to look good at work this week.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Perfect Job

I've just discovered the PERFECT, and I really mean the perfectest, job ever. Well, not so much discovered it, as I've done it beofre but didn't realise the full potential at the time. Anyway, my job today was running the carpark, which entails sitting in a little hut all day taking money for people to park by the beach. It really is such a gold mine, I was working out how much you could make in a year from running a carpark like that and it is a hell of a lot more than I make at work, and you wouldn't even have to work in the winter. And I got paid to sunbathe all day which was amazing. I need to buy a field near a beach.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The place to be

The time has come to make and distribute the posters for the event of the year. Yes, the Hunstanton Carnival is back. And I've just realised that there was a reason I didn't take the 'arty' route at school. I'm not quite the whizz with Microsoft Publisher that I hoped I might be. However, reality check, this is Hunstanton and most people here don't even own a computer, let alone know how to use one, so they will probably be impressed by my mediocre attempts. Anyway, for those who are on the edge of your seats with excitement, the date is 9th July. So be there or be square.. Or at least come along and see me dressed up in a costume... At this point I was going to put up pictures of my outfits in previous carnivals, but even I have to maintain some dignity.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Alton Towers

Alton Towers was amazing today. The weather was great most of the time, despite the rain. And the company, as usual, was fantastic...

Learning points from today:
How to create hours of fun with a straw, I learnt that Beavis has an uncanny way of staying dry on EVERY water ride, despite the rest of us getting soaked and I learnt that the I dont like rooms that spin around.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

To summarize

This week has been pretty hectic so I haven't written for a few days. Now it's too hot to write and my laptop is sitting on my knees, heating up and not helping the situation, so I will make this quick.
My week pretty much went like this:

Leon came round for a meal, which resulted in us going clubbing, on a work night.
A torturous day at work, probably due to the 5 hours sleep from the night before.
Pretty excellent as it was my last day at work for nine days.
Busy day, a birthday/wedding party. Then work, then I actually watched the England match, and enjoyed it. And to top off a pretty fun day I sat on the hotel lawn and watched the sun go down. With some random guy who like to imitate 'jungle' noises.

And that brings us to today, pretty uneventful, but oh so hot.
Tomorrow is Alton Towers, which is amazing!

And now I actually think I am melting. So goodnight.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hostess with the mostess

It's got bad that my crush on Grant Mitchell has progressed to dreaming about him. Thing is, when I look at him I can't see anything attractive, but there's just something...I digust myself a little sometime..

Leon is coming for dinner tonight. I was trying to get everything prepared but as yet I haven't seemed able to move from the couch to the kitchen...ah well. I think spaghetti bolognaise is on the menu, purely because its the only thing I can make without having to go shopping for ingrediants. Well, almost, Leon is bringing an onion. I'm an awesome hostess...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


It was so nice and warm today, I even had an ice lolly at lunch and sat in the sun, which was amazing. On the bad side I forgot to park my car in the shade and I burnt my hands on the steering wheel.

Rachel is now Mrs Collins as of 12 o clock today, so congratulations to my best friend!! It sounds so old to be married with kids!

Especially as we act like five year olds when we are together, yes ..we were playing dress up with my mum's hats, and yes it was only a few months ago.

I like todays date - it's so easy to type.

Monday, June 05, 2006


As seen on

This is hilarious! Stacy, thank you for introducing this to my life.

My eyes, it burns, it burns...

It took me an hour to get home from work today, which is not good as its 50 minutes longer than usual. Stupid people crashing their cars. It made me realise why I wanted to sell my car before the summer, the lack of air conditioning, and the fan blowing out warm air is not good.

I'd just like to thank a certain someone for exposing himself to me last night. The first time I've ever had a conversation with someone using a webcam and he thought it was funny to get naked! The nightmares! It made me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. (Only kidding... you looked hot!)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

If only you knew the power of the dark side...

I've decided that I need a new nap blanket. I have a few that I use but neither of them really 'work.' I mean they keep me warm and all, but neither are long/soft/fluffy enough to satisfy. And after reading about Stacy's amazing new blanket, I have been so jealous. So the deal is: send/buy me a fantastic nap blanket. That's it, it's not so much of a deal, more of a demand.

This weekend was pretty much a write off socially. After almost having a heart attack after checking my bank balance on Friday, I made the trip home and spent the week working. I love, love cleaning toilets. Figuring that I can't actually afford to eat/drink/breathe for another 3 weeks until my pay check comes through, I made the most of raiding Mum's cupboards, and generally hinting that I needed money. Which was pretty profitable. Thank God for parents/grandparents!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Role Play is the Bane of my Life

God I'm looking forward to work tomorrow. We get to do a role play. I LOVE role play. It's like a legal form of torture.

By the way, can someone offer me a job where I don't have to go in every day, I don't have to answer phones, and I can hang around by a pool in the sun all day? Please? Oh, and it needs to pay a pretty good wage too. Thanks. I'll just sit and wait for the offers to come flooding in.

My kitchen is starting to look amazing. I think I need to get some minor celebrity to officially open it when it's finished. Seeing as Big Brother's on now there will be hundred of wannabee celebs queuing up for this job I'm sure.

Entertain me.