Friday, February 18, 2005


Some time ago I promised Losure that if I ever started doing one of these I would dedicate a page to him. So, due to the fact that he would sulk otherwise, and also cos he called me the other week through his computer, which is kinda cool, I have decided to honour this promise. Losure is unlike most other people. Think Ross in Friends awkwardness and then multiplied by 1 million. Especially when he is talking to you on the phone. Then you get these long long pauses, when you aren't sure if you should say something or whether he is going to carry on. A typical Losure phone conversation may go like this.
Ring ring
Me: Hello?
Losure: Hello
Me: Hi, what's up?
Losure: Not much.
Long pause

So you get the idea, the whole conversation goes like this, and you feel like screaming at him 'Why did you call me!? You have nothing to say!'
Anyway, it is because of things like this that we love Losure, cos he can't help being awkward.
We also love him because: He likes to cook things and try out recipes for you. He likes playing kids games. He let me take over his room once when they had the Nintendo and Mario and I was addicted. He sends me drunken emails. He hates America. He is incredibly clumsy. He likes TMNT.
We hate Losure because: He tries to mimic my English accents and he sucks big time!! He insists that you call Teenage Mutant Turtles 'TMNT.' And he get weird and insulted when I call him Loser, which isn't an insult, it's just his name.

Anyway, Losure, this is for you!

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