Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bad Behaviour

Don't you hate it when people you think you know pretty well turn out to be complete dicks. When their real personalities come out. Its such a let down because you realise then that you don't actually know these people and you see them in a whole other light. And not a particularly favourable one. I've seen this happen to somebody recently, and there really is nothing worse than losing respect for someone because its not an easy thing to gain back. It makes you think about your own actions, and if anything good is going to come from this dickish behaviour it is that you know that you will never act in that way. So in a way it makes you look like a better person. Which is always a good thing. Its like when you stand next to a fat person so you look slimmer, this time you stand near someone acting like a prick and at least you look better for it. Whilst they are making a fool of themselves you can have some dignity and look really good. So maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all..

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