Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sooooo boring

I am being bitched at by Michaela to go out tonight. I know I am being lame and boring by not going out, but I'm just not feeling the going out vibe at the moment. All day I have been back and forth contemplating it, one minute I will think, yeah, ok, I'll go, the next, I am remembering just how crappy the bars and majority of the people in Hunstanton are and I change my mind. I think I am giving this way too much consideration. I know I should go because I haven't seen anyone recently. I work, come home, sleep and that is pretty much my whole week. Apart from Thurdays, when I have Beavers. Yes, I am a BEAVER leader. And yes, I have heard all the usual shitty jokes. Its been 7 years now, seriously, its getting old! Anyway, back to the problem. I could go out, see some people, go to a scanky bar, get wasted and then feel rough all day tomorrow. But at least I would have done something with my evening. I watched part of a terrible movie today about some girl dying of cancer, and it kind of made me think, I should make the most of things. But then I got bored of that thought and turned over to watch You've Been Framed instead. You just can't beat watching bad things happen other people. Never fails to cheer me up!
So I am still undecided about tonight. Chances are I will dither on and on, and then the evening will be over anyway. But at least I know I will get stuff done tomorrow rather than spend the day nursing a hangover. And tomorrow I have big plans! Studying, taking Isaac to Sandringham for a walk, yes, two things in one day! Wow, I really have ambition!

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