Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Work From Home Day

Today I had my first ever 'work from home day.' I got to get up late, watch crappy daytime TV, nap whilst watching the aforesaid crappy daytime TV, and then maybe at some point I might do some work. Although in all truthfullness I probably wont. Chances are I will probably play on the internet for a while, then watch a DVD this afternoon and then TV all night. At some point my eyes will be so strained from watching endless hours of TV that I will drift off to sleep. Although this sounds like fun I wont have achieved anything all day and by tonight it will be playing on my mind that I have wasted an entire day doing nothing, watching pretty worthless TV and napping. Days like this always seem to make me more tired so when I get up tomorrow I will be even more tired than if I hadn't had the day off. One thing I have achieved today is taking my car to the garage...again. Yes, it's in its second home once again. This time the list is pretty extensive, lights, electrics, fanbelt, plugs, windscreen washer and brakes. Fab huh? At least it will stop the police pulling me over for no back lights. And me pulling the whole innocent, stupid female act, which I must admit I have mastered pretty well, to the point that they now offer to help fix them.
Anyway, back to work tomorrow and I wont have achieved anything in my studying apart from pushing all the knowledge I do have out of my head, and replacing it with storylines from soaps. Oops.

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